Wish 1: Last wish

Wish 1: Last wish


Finally, I will die.

Yes, I will be free from this long torment

In a few minutes, I will finally die.

I really don't know why I'm still alive now, as if my choices were always right

The same for my marriage, after seeing my wife for the first time came to my mind

'Yeah, looks like I've found my soul mate.'

And my guess was really correct

It turns out that my wife was also looking for a husband for her, and when she saw me, she asked me a question

"Excuse me, may I recognize you?"

Then we finally became husband and wife

I don't really know if I lived a happy life but I had children, and in order to live I opened a herbal shop in a city near the capital.

And the time passed to have grandchildren, in addition, my store became the best store in the kingdom, and the city turned into a famous big city, as if I were the reason in some way.

Well, it was really me.

After I got enough money, I retired and went back to my village with my wife and lived out the rest of my life in peace.

And now I'm on my deathbed, my wife is sitting next to me looking at me with a smile as if she knows her death is near too and is thinking of catching up with me too.

While my children are standing in front of me all they do is cry.

My little grandchildren on the other side have a look of sadness on their face, as for the older ones, they carry their children while they cry too.

Well, anyone who sees this sight will feel sad, as for me...

I will fly with happiness.

If I were healthy, I would dance for joy.


Because I will finally die, without living another life.

It was a little difficult life but it was not up to the level of my previous lives.

Yes, I've lived my life forced to fulfill 21 selfish wishes

And this is the last wish that I will fulfill, the 21st and last wish.

It all started in one of the realms, or might say in my first life.

In that world or in my first life there was a tradition from ancient times that a 7-year-old child must pass through the holy ceremonies hosted by the church.

In these ceremonies the child receives his identity as a divine protection if he is lucky enough.

For example, if a child had obtained the Class of 'Farmer', it would be natural for him to receive sacred protection such as the skill of ' Farming ' or something similar to it.

But if he obtains the Class of 'slave' or 'Noble', he may not receive sacred protection.

Therefore, the child's access to sacred protection is random and has nothing to do with lineage or bloodline, and vice versa with regard to Class.

If the child is from a noble family, there is a 99% certainty that he will receive a 'Noble' Class.

But...there were people who received excessive sacred protection as they were called 'sons of the world'

These Sacred Protections possessed more than one skill

Among them, the Class of ⟦Sage⟧ possessed sacred protection consisting of more than 3 skills, including 〔fire magic〕, 〔healing〕 and other skills.

When I was seven years old, my father took me to church just to get a class, because my father had a ⟦villager⟧

He was sure that I would get the same as his class and not get holy protection.

But my dad's ideas were wrong, it turns out that I got a sacred protection consisting of a skill, and then there was a problem that my class was unknown

It was shown as ⟦¿¿¿⟧

The priest was amazed at this and thought it was a mistake from the ceremony stone, so he gave me the class 'villager' like my father.

And my skill was 'Compulsory wish'.

"Your skill will often be a rare support skill so when you have enough training try your skill," the priest told me, then handed me my status card.

After I turned 15, I tried my skill for the first time

And that is by focusing and thinking about the name of my skill

There was a terrible pain in my head, I felt like my brain was going to explode

All because of something that came straight to my head


⊕ Compulsory Wish⊕

king? authority? Evil?

Be the king of demons and make the world under your only control.


I really didn't know what to do after this happened to me

I tried to ignore him and lived my life as a villager just like my father.

And when I died at the end of my life

I was born again, but I think that time has gone backwards

Until the time you were born

Even though I was a baby, I had the awareness of someone who lived for more than 70 years

Sometimes I thought it was all the tape of my life running in front of me until I was seven and I got my skills back.

Then a warning came into my head again.


⊕ Compulsory wish⊕


wish has not yet been achieved.


I drowned in despair.

To become the king of demons by compulsion and...

Rule the world?

It all sounds like a simple dream.

That despair lasted for days.

Then another thing came to my head from my skill says.


⊕ Compulsory wish⊕

No pride, no life.

Only death will wait for you.

New skill, new life.

You have no escape from compulsory wish.



⊕Absolute despair⊕

Despair is your friend, partner and supporter.

Change of class from ⟦¿¿¿⟧ to ⟦Master of Despair⟧

gift of 〔Compulsory wish〕

+20% lasting power.

+20% permanent mana.


The skill was enough to make me amazed for days

So much so that I was walking, eating, sleeping, working with my mouth open.

In the end, that wish was fulfilled.

And what happened next...

It pains me to remember that.

I died in the ugliest way possible, leaving behind a world devastated by the revolution I caused after my judgment.

Let's go back to the present

After achieving 20 wishes.

I'm now almost done with my last wish.

So I'm glad it wasn't a really difficult wish.


⊕ Compulsory wish ⊕

last wish.

Live? happiness? peace?

Live a happy life as much as possible and create a family that cries for your death.


This is what was stated in my last wish.

Well I have to say goodbye to them now.

"Thank you for staying by my side the whole time."

My eldest son replied, "We are the ones to thank you for being a part of our life, and we are a family, right?"

He wiped his tears and smiled while looking at me

i smiled at them, "Yeah..."

Then death came.

I have experienced this moment many times so I am used to it.

But this time I can say that I really will not go back.

Yes, I feel it! finally!


I feel???

hahaha! Don't kidding me.

I mean I'm dead now so I don't have to feel.

But after thinking about it I now think...

I think I've heard a phrase like this in one of the advanced worlds in which I lived.

Yes Yes.

I'm thinking, if I...

T_T exists.



⊕Last Wish⊕

identification? Tragedy? ¿¿¿?

Find out who you are, and ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿.


Are you kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!