Wish 3: Mage

I finally turned five.

So tomorrow I will go with my mother to church to go through the ceremony.

Because my father has guard duty as a soldier, he cannot come with us.

By the way, my mother is preparing for our flight tomorrow because we have to go very early

The church is located in a city near our village, 5 days away by wooden cart.

She also looks happy, happier than me who's supposed to get a new job

Well her behavior has always been strange.

Ah, she's watching me again...

"Son, can't you take your father's lunch? because I'm busy"

oh scary...


I'm going to the castle lord of this village where the soldiers are

In the training ground.

There he is practicing his spear again.

"Dad, you forgot your lunch at home."

When he noticed me, he lowered his spear and his serious training features changed to his normal.

Well that's part of his skill.

"My dear child, he brought my lunch all the way just for me!

Ah, I want to cry.."

do not Cry!!

Anyway, I want to ask him about jobs because my special situation bothers me

And I don't want my new job to appear ⟦Master of Tragedy⟧

I also need a job that will bring me close to the various information of this world.

"Dad, I have a question."

My dad stopped eating and got serious.

"Can you tell me more about jobs?"

"That's a strange question from you, Telodeos."

I already knew that.

For a child who is ignorant of the world suddenly asks about jobs, it may be considered strange

"Well, you are my son after all, so I will tell you what I know."

What the hell is this logic!

"You know, before I became an expert soldier, I was a trained soldier in the capital, so I met many people.

The first thing you need to know is, don't let the job control your life, but live your life the way you want to, son.

As for the jobs, there are many of them, and they are many and varied..."

Dad kept telling me about jobs.

After he finished he told me.

"Whatever your job is, trust that I will always support you."

Well that made me kinda happy.


After listening to my father's information,

Turns out I was wrong about what I knew about jobs.

In this world even jobs can evolve, but those who have had that experience are very rare.

I was going to use the 〔Deception〕 skill to falsify the results of my ceremony

I use this skill to block out all my unusual and powerful skills

Then I change my sub-job from ⟦Master of Tragedy⟧ to ⟦Knight⟧.

In the end, I join the army, reap achievements, and then get promoted to get closer to the information I need.

But all my plans were shattered when he told me that this continent has been in peace for more than 50 years.

But this does not mean that I will give up.

I got a better idea after he told me about witches.

I might get unwanted attention but I'll get there in the end.

Yeah, now I'm no longer worried.

I just feel thirsty from all this walking.

Some cold water would be great...

Or maybe some fresh blood.


Why did I start to feel that blood became delicious???

No way!!



Active skills:

〔Last wish〕〔Reduce fatigue〕... 〔Bloodlust〕

⁂Skill 〔Bloodlust〕〕:

The skill is activated automatically after sensing blood, killing intent or feeling thirsty.

+15% temporary strength.

+15% temporary lightness.


I didn't see any blood, did I?

If you only did after I got thirsty...

As I thought this world was strange, it had unusual rules.

I have to review all my skills.


"Son, wake up, it's time to go."

I'm already awake...

No, I couldn't sleep because I watched my skills all night.

You have selected an appropriate job as a sub-job.


Also known as the ruler of witches.

A job strong enough to make me learn magical skills.

I got it in when I spent a whole life researching magic

It was a gift from ⟦Compulsory Wish⟧

In addition to this 〔Crown〕 skill...

It was really my favorite.

"Son, hurry up, the cart has come."

Well let's go.


This is boring...

It has already been 3 days since I started my journey towards the city.

But it's boring

All I do is stare at nature in front of me...

My mom is also scary.

Now when it comes to it, I don't know much about it other than my father.

I don't know her job, her age or anything else.

Was it so scary that I forgot about it or what?

My mom has beautiful silver hair, I didn't think it was strange since my dad has white hair.

I remember my father once told me that hair represented the purity of your mana.

The purer your mana is, the lighter your hair will be, and vice versa.

So those with black hair often had so little mana that they couldn't use it.

By the way, my hair color is 'golden pink'.

So my father told me that I would have more mana than he and my mother combined.

Well I already know this.

My mana amount is too large.


We have finally arrived in town and are now heading straight to the church.

There weren't many people there so our turn came quickly.

And at last the moment came.

"May virtue bless you, son, touch this jewel and I'll take care of the rest."


Is it a religion in this church?

I don't remember my father ever mentioning something like that.

In my first world the church was following the religion of the holy goddess of light.

Well at least I made sure I wasn't back in my first world.


I think 5000 will be enough.

When i touch the jewel.

my eyes!!!!

very bright...

Is...is 5000 too many???

"Oh, what a blessed boy, congratulations, you seem to have a large amount of mana."

Ah it seems the priest is not very surprised.

"But unfortunately it seems that I am not qualified to measure your mana."


You damned priest, don't mess with me!!

"I called out to a high priest who will be able to withstand your mana."

Why did I have to add 5000 mana

Why didn't I just choose 1000 or less

I didn't want to attract attention.

"May virtue bless you, I heard what happened, please allow me the honor of measuring your mana, son."

Honor my ass!

By the way, my mom was silent all this time...


What the hell, I feel like she's about to eat me!


Why is her face turning red?

No no...

That look, I feel it piercing me

Is it possible that she is not satisfied with what is happening...

I don't really understand it anymore.

"Uh-huh… this is the first time in my life that I'm having trouble calculating someone's mana, but I'm done

Here is your status card.


mana only 3050?

Is it possible that this high priest...

His mana didn't reach what I added.

In other words, his mana is less than 3000.

I don't know what happened, but it looks like I got out of trouble.

"May virtue bless you, son, you are the first mage in our entire empire."

Ah yes, in the whole empire...

I am the first?

Damn you dad!!!


After I got my status card, the information appeared as follows


⁂Name: Telodeos

⁂Occupation: ⟦Mage⟧

⁂Age: 5 years

⁂Mana: 3050/3050

⁂Skills: 〔 Last Wish 〕 〔 Soul Magic 〕 〔 Elemental Magic 〕 〔 Summoning 〕 〔 High Healing 〕 〔 Holy Magic〕


Well I tried to hide 〔last wish〕 but I couldn't.

Which means the skill is powerful enough to get out of my control.

We are now in a family hotel to rest and then we will return to the village tomorrow.

My mom holds my status card and looks at it constantly.

It's been two hours and she's staring at the card...

Anyway, to show that I'm a curious kid, I'm trying out some water magic through the skill 〔Elemental Magic〕

I don't know how long it takes for kids to adapt their skills...

But I'm a ⟦Mage⟧ , the magic genius and ruler of it.


"Son, do you want to know what my job is?"


Will I finally know what my mother's job is?

I had never dared to use 〔Analysis〕 on her before because I felt she would know.

So I don't know much about my mom!

"Yeah, I want to know!"

Then, suddenly, I felt an anti-mana barrier surrounding our room.

I just instinctively took a step back.

I was stupid, why didn't I know before why I was afraid of her.

"If, before that, Telodeos, you have a bad thing keeping secrets from your parents, son, then it is time for punishment!"