Wish 25: Fury...!


Is this empire suffering from a famine or what?? 

"Teacher Tell... I feel negative pain coming from that palace...

It's scary!" 

 Even Kugssa has felt it...

If my sense was weak, I would think it was a demonic mana, but this mana is different...

It's really negative mana.! 

If we say that the high races and their subordinate races pulsate with holy mana...

Demons pulsate with demonic mana. 

Demonic mana is a type of negative mana.. 

The whole city is teeming with negative mana and this is detrimental to Kugssa, as the holy mana she possesses only protects her body and not her mental state.. 

And the source of this negative mana is that palace there.! 

"Let's head to that palace." 

"However... Teacher Tell, that's scary.!" 


I showed a little bit of my bony arms...

She has already seen me with my real appearance...

And I fell into a coma for a whole week.. 

"If... Is it scarier than me?!" 

"Ah.. When you think about it, that palace looks beautiful~ Haha.."

A little intimidation won't hurt. 


Something attracts me towards that palace...

I know that despair feeds on negative mana as well, but...

What attracts me to the palace is something other than negative mana!


We approached the palace and the negative mana seemed more agitated... 

There's something that keeps producing negative mana consistently..

"Stand up! This place is off-limited.!" 

Shut up? We've been stopped from just guards.... 

"Tell the nobleman in this place that the Princess of the Duchy of Ari is here to visit with her Imperial Teacher" 

As soon as he heard my words, that guard started shaking.... 

So he entered quickly screaming

"a.. Americanize!!"

 A few minutes later, the guard and the noble came out behind him, rushing with the looks of panic on their faces.. 

Hey... That's fun..

"Watch.. I am honored to know you, Your Excellency, the Imperial Master, also Princess of the Duchy of Ari!" 

Oh, he's sweating constantly.... 

For sure... 

For him, he stands in front of an imperial teacher.... 

According to the degrees of nobility in this world, the imperial master stands in the same degree as a duke, a grand duke or even an archduke.. 

Because he is a teacher of princes and princesses and he may also be a teacher of the current emperor when he was a prince or a teacher of the prince and heir to the throne. 

For the nobleman, who may be Baron or Viscount, he is a very high position that he will not even dream of reaching. 

"It seems that you believed your guard quickly and came quickly, if I were you I would not have believed him easily" 

As expected from Noble, he quickly regained his sobriety.. 

"Of course I will believe him, the news of your visit to the continent of Saint there is no noble who has not heard of it, we have received the news from the commander of the border navy and the general of the empire next to us.. "

So he wasn't just a ship's captain, he was the commander of the Navy.. 


"How did the general of another empire know about my coming and that I had come straight here, did the commander of the navy also tell him? "

" No, certainly not, that powerful general himself has recognized your tyrannical power.! "

The what?

I never met anyone else on my way here.... 

So how does he say that? 

" The general of the neighboring empire is known for his power as a very great magician, as he has a huge mana range that exceeds the diameter of an entire city.... 

But he could sense your mana range from the middle of the empire and you're in the international port.. 

He said your own domain is a diameter that exceeds half a continent and he recognized your power.!"

This noble gossips a lot.... 

It is true that my mana range is very huge after I recovered its own mana, but its range covers the continent by completing it.!

But the problem lies in my mental abilities... 

Since it's so weak, I can only discover two cities around me when I use it.. 

Because of its bulkiness, it consumes a huge amount of mana, so I don't use it in the first place....

I love surprises.... 

Also, my feelings alone are enough for me to feel everything around me.. 

Wait, wait.... 

Doesn't that mean most powerful people avoid me just because of my domain?? 

That's why I didn't get any fight and no one intercepted us?? 

It's boring.~

"Well enough of this, wouldn't you welcome my student?" 

"Uh... I apologize deeply, Princess of the Duchy of Ari, do you mind if I call you Princess Kugssa?" 

'Don't ever answer him, and don't continue with him until I tell you.' 

'All right, Master.!' 

It seems that she has mastered the skill of 〔telepathy〕 quickly. 


Good like that, don't even give it one look. 

'All right, Master. !' 


'You... Will you read my thoughts again?' 

'Oh. You exposed me.~' 

O thee... 


"Excuse me? Is the princess angry or something?" 

"... Humph ! " 

"She doesn't just like to talk to the poor." 


Look at his face hahaha. 

Kugssa also plays the role of the princess par excellence.. 


"It doesn't matter, will we keep talking outside or what?" 

"a.. I apologize, I welcome you to my humble home ! "

Is he afraid? 



We sat down and talked for a long time.... 

He was gossiping a lot, like he's hiding something.. 

I have no choice but to explore this mansion in my own domain. 

After I distributed the mana across my domain.... 

What I saw was terrible.... 

" By the way, we got a letter from the emperor where he told us that if a nobleman meets you, he will ask you to visit him soon, he will be happy to receive you" 

This scoundrel...!

So he's doing the same thing the Magic Tower Chief did.!! 

No wonder the state of this miserable city... 

These scum...!!! 

" Your ladyship..??"

Chh... I shouldn't do any now.... 

I have to check something before this. 

" Fair enough... I admired the nobility of this empire very much. 

I'll have to give a big thank you to the emperor after all.~" 

"Teacher Tell..."

It looks like Kugssa hasn't provoked my outrage.... 

But these bastards weren't satisfied with what they did to Persil.... 

But until they do this to their people as well.!! 

" Let's leave... "

" I was honored by your visit Your Excellency the Imperial Master! "

" For... It was an exciting visit..."

Kugssa and I left town.... 

And I headed to an empty area nearby.... 

I couldn't calm down, I had no choice but to direct my anger at the plains in front of me..

in seconds... 

The green nature that was there disappeared. 

I'm sorry I couldn't save those people in the basement.... 

I had to see the same thing that happened to Russell in front of me again....


She was a good and cheerful girl.... 

But it doesn't exist anymore.. 

Just why... 

"M.. Master Tell, your appearance...! 

Also Where do these butterflies come from?" 

I've lost control of my appearance without realizing it.... 

Mental exhaustion seems to have returned. 


If you find out that the nobles of this empire are really the reason for what happened with Russell... 

I swear that no one will ever be safe from me!!! 


Most of you do not know the degrees of nobility in this world, so use this arrangement:

1- Emperor

2. Archduke or King

3- Grand Duke

4- Grand Prince (heir to the throne) 

5. Imperial Prince 

6. Duke

7. Marquis

8. Count



