Chapter 89 – Sword Feelings

Shang looked at his sword with a lifted eyebrow. Earlier, he had assumed that his sword didn't like the technique because he hadn't perfectly used it. After all, the sword had only been mildly disgusted, not completely.

But apparently, it was the opposite.

The sword really didn't like the technique.

"What don't you like?" Shang asked.

He still felt a bit weird talking to his sword like it was another person or a pet, but he knew that he should get used to it.

Of course, the sword didn't answer.

Shang had a couple of suspicions, but they would need further testing.

So, Shang tried the second technique. All of these techniques were short, singular movements. They weren't a complex array of complicated moves or something like that. At most, they described how one should move one's arms generally and how one should move their legs. One could call these techniques even basic instruction manuals.