Chapter 279 – Discussion

The Dean explained the Procedure in full detail to the room of people.

He went into so much detail that even some of the Council members had trouble following. Sure, they were absolute authorities when it came to Magic, but when it came to biology and how exactly the body worked, they were not as advanced as someone with a Ph.D. in biology from Earth.

There were several differences in biology, especially when someone absorbed more and more Mana, which changed their body.

However, the Dean had enough time to learn about these differences and create an entirely new biological model of the human body.

"You don't need to go into so much detail," King Skythunder said with a slight grin. He was still in a good mood, thanks to the fight. "I doubt that anyone in here will doubt your knowledge regarding the human body."

King Skythunder's eyes wandered over the Council.

The Council only averted their eyes.