Chapter 495 – News

The announcement of Sylvia Eternalfrost joining Jerald's side raised several eyebrows and evoked skepticism from all the warriors.

Hadn't Duke Whirlwind promised that he would get rid of the Council?

Had their trust been misplaced in him? 

Luckily, Jerald's next words cleared up a big part of the issue.

He said that Sylvia had allowed him to read her mind, and he had seen with his own eyes how every other Council member had supported the suppression of the warriors.

He promised everyone that Sylvia would be the only member of the Council that would stay alive.

He would kill everyone else.

Obviously, another important part was that Sylvia had voted against assassinating George and Mattheo when the Council had voted on it.

She truly hadn't supported these decisions.

Sadly, one person only represented 20% of the main Council, and she was outvoted four to one.