Chapter 585 – Abominations and Arm

He would arrive soon, right?

More emptiness.

More time passed.

He should be nearly there, right?

More time passed.

More time passed.

More time passed.

More time passed.

More time passed.

Shang's mind was desperately trying to cling to anything.

There had to be something that could distract him, right?

He could do something in here, right?

Shang's mind was scanning the surroundings crazily.


There had to be something!

There was nothing.

There was only grey emptiness.

Eventually, Shang's mind focused on his own body and inspected that thoroughly.

Yet, Shang's entire body felt surreal and wrong to him.

All the proportions were messed up, and all of his flesh and blood were moving in random directions.

His own body was like a fever dream.

There was no sense behind anything.