Chapter 959 – Domain

Naturally, no one spoke up after Amon Gus asked that question. After all, every other Emperor also had issues with Shang.


It was one thing to have someone like Abaddon become a Mage Emperor, but it was something different when it was a warrior.


All the Emperors had been amongst Lucius' group in the past, and they still remembered how the world had been back then.


Right now, there was no war between different Paths since the Mage Path was supreme, but as soon as some Paths managed to recover, the Path wars would resume.


These wouldn't just be normal wars, but wars with the goal of eradicating the strongest people of another Path.


Additionally, Lucius had commanded that no other Path was allowed to reach the Ninth Realm again, and if Shang reached the Eighth Realm, there might be a chance that he would reach the Ninth Realm somehow.