Chapter 16

Finally, it's lunchtime. This class is always dull. How does anyone like to learn the same thing repeatedly? Like, come on, how many times do you have to tell us your life story of how your love life sucks. My mom broke up with Mr. Talin last weekend, but he acts like he lost his favorite toy.

"Why did your mom break up with Mr. Talin," murmured Kathrine as she walked out of the classroom with me.

"I don't know. I was with Riden when it happened, and then my mom started to plan my future with Riden. So she has not mentioned it to me," I signed as we got into the hallway where Selena was waiting for us.

"So you going to see Riden," smiled Selena as she walked over to us.

"Yes, I'm we are going to meet at the spot I always have lunch," I smiled when Selena stopped right next to me.

"You have fun. I'm going to steal this lovely girlfriend of mine," smirked Selena wrapping her arm around Kathrine's.

When both of them left, I fast-walked to the water fountain, where I always have my lunch. Can't wait to have lunch with Riden. I don't know why I feel this anxiety that if I don't see him right now, I will feel sad. Damn, I never knew love would feel like this.

"Why are you like this? I thought you loved me?" said a girl's voice sounding pissed off as she spoke.

How is that? It's coming from the water fountain. I Should wait till she leaves so I dont make a scene that will backfire on me.

"I told you that I have never loved you, and I will never. I already have a mate, so please leave," said a familiar voice. Is that Riden?

"How can you say that to me. I'm the most popular girl in this school. We are meant to be together," said the girl. Is that Sebrina? Her voice does sound like her.

"That does not mean anything. So please fuck off," said Riden with a calm voice.

"I will not just fuck off, Riden. Are you like this because of that trash of an omega. He is just a low life. How can you like him when he has no looks? He is not even that pretty to be an omega," growled Sabrina showing that she was getting more pissed.

"He is not a low life. Also, you are trash compared to him," growled Riden making his voice sound more profound, "You are not even close to his beauty because your head is so far up your ass that all you can see is your bullshit. So please, if you have nothing more to say, leave, or I will make you because I don't want your filth poisoning my mate."

"What, how can you say that. Also, Dearil is not you mate." Sabrina said as she stumped her foot twice.

"Yes, he is," said Riden as she grabbed the chain around his neck. That had the ring that matched mine to show that we are together, "See, this is a matching ring that I gave him after having our second night together. So end of this stupid talk that what go anywhere."

Sabrina stormed off when Riden finished talking, leaving him alone in the seat that I always sat for the four years of being in this high school. I can't believe what he said all that about me so highly. I feel pleased. I want him to say all that again.

"You can come out now," said Riden with a deep calm voice. How did he know I was here.

When I walked away from the wall that I was hiding behind, I could see that Riden had a smile on his face. Damn, that smile he gives me makes my body lose control. Shit, my mind is turning into Kathrines. I need to calm down before Mr. Woodpecker comes out.

"I'm so happy that I get to see you. I wanted to see you so bad, but I had to wait till lunch," Riden smiled, making his eyes change into a lighter silver.

"Me too," I smiled as I leaned down to kiss him, "also, I've been wanting to do this since this morning."

"So what is for lunch," Riden smiled as she kissed me back.

"Well, your mom gave me sweets," I said, lifting the back that law handed me this morning.

"Mom's sweets are the best," Riden laughed, grabbing the bag.

"Well, let's eat these first," I giggle when Riden's face lit up when he opened the bag.

Damn, he is like a little kid. When he acts like this, I forget he is the same age. I hope he stays like this when he is around me. Shit, I forgot that Sabrina found out that we are dating. I hope she does not try something crazy. Knowing her, she will start a rumor saying that I forced myself on Riden and is controlling his brain like an alien. Because heaven forbid that no one can say no to her beauty. Well, let's just eat and worry about that when the day comes.

"Can you come over after school today?" said Riden as he shoved a pasty in his mouth.

"Yeah, I can," I laughed to see how he looked like a chipmunk with his mouth full of pasties.

"My father needs to talk to you about something in private. He did not tell me what it is, but he said it's important to talk to you," murmured Riden, still looking like a chipmunk.

"Oh, okay," I said, grabbing a pasty before Riden eats them all.