Chapter 21 Four Months Later

It's Been four months since I found out that Riden was the author of my favorite webcomic. I would have never guessed that the story was about Riden's love for me in middle school. I'm happy that we are closer now, and I met the rest of his family even though they are not what I pictured them to be, except for Rainer.

"So today is the day," Kathrine smiled as we left the classroom as the bell rang to tell us school was over.

"Yes, it is. We get to find out about the gender," I smiled, trying to knot show Kathrine that I'm so happy right now I could cry.

"So what are you hoping for," Kathrine said right as Salena walked over to use.

"What going on, you two," smiled Selena grabbing Kathrine's hand.

"Dearil is going to the doctors to find out about the gender of the child, and I asked him what he hopes for," smiled Katherine leaning on Selena, acting like a little girl with her favorite toy.

"I'm fine with anything as long as they look like Riden," I laughed, thinking of how cute Riden was as a baby, all chunky and mad.

"Well, if your child is, they will have all the women and men all over them," Selena giggled, trying to hold in a laugh.

That is definitely true. I could see that happening, but I can't help to love that man of mine. Even though I saw him this morning, I can't wait to see Riden and go to the appointment like we planned. It feels like years since then. God, I fucking hate school.

When I got to the gate, the typical SUV with Law in the diver's side was waiting. Sometimes I wonder what Law does when he is not waiting for Riden. I always forget to ask him. I'm going to ask him this time. I dont see Riden, so I'll have time to ask.

"Ya law, how's it going," I said as Law came out of the car to open the side door.

"I've been going well, Young Dearil," Law smiled, opening the door so I could get in.

"I have a question for you? It's nothing bad or anything, I promise," I smiled, hoping he would believe me.

"All right, what's your question? I will tell you if I can," Law said as he got into the driver's side.

"I was wondering what you did when you're not driving Riden around," I continued smiled, trying not to look nervous because God knows what he does.

"Well, when I drop off the young master at school. Then, I go back to the Richerson Estate to take Halsey to Lake River Middle School. Also, I take Robby to Preschool that is at the Lake River Elementary School," Law Smiled as he talked about his children, "after that, I do errands for the kitchen and also for Lady Trixi at her cafe if needed."

Damn, I would have never guessed that. Doing Law does all those errands in one day Law lives in this car feels like it. I hope he has a day where he is not in the car and can just walk around all day.

"What you guys talking about?" said Riden as he walked to the side door where I did not notice that the window was down.

"Oh, just about life and waiting for you to get to the car because you are as slow as a snail," I said, trying to not laugh when I called him a snail.

"Is that right? Well, this gorgeous snail is going to eat you for dinner tonight," smirked Riden as I started to blush.

Fuck. Why does Riden have to say that in front of Law? It's really embarrassing when he talks like that in front of other people. It's like he has no filter, or he just likes to say whatever makes me feel embarrassed.

"Here you go, young master," Law bowed as he opened the side door.

"Thank you. At least Law is nice to me," laughed Riden as he got into the SUV.

"Thank you for the compliment, young master," bowed Law again before shutting the car door and walking back to the driver's side.

"Well, sorry if you think I'm mean. Law has to be nice to you because he works for you. Other whys he would have agreed with me. Also, I just thought you should know how slow you are to get to the car every day," I glared at him, hoping he would stop being an ass.

"Sorry, I just got stopped by my friends because they wanted to talk, and also the teachers did as well. So how am I supposed to know that they like to talk a lot? Will you forgive me, please," Riden whimpered as he tried to sound cute.

"I will not. You said things in front of Law that was super embarrassing," I said, turning my head to not look at him.

"Then what can I do to make you not mad at me. I'm super sorry I won't do it again," Riden said, this time not whining.

Let's see what will be an excellent way to make him get embarrassed in front of Law and make him blush. I will make him regret this for a long time so that he will not forget about it. Revenge is so bitter-sweet.

"Dearil, Please say something," Riden murmured as he got closer to me in the SUV.

"Well, I'm only going to say this one to you, so listen close," I said as I leaned in his ear and whispered, "Just so you know when you say you're going to eat me for dinner. I hope you do because I will eat you so hard that you will never ever forget. I will also make you beg for more as I slowly eat you. Like a snail. I will go so slow that you can't stand it. You're going to try to fight back because I'm going so slow, but you're going to be tied down with no control of what I do to you."

When I finished, I got him because he was blushing so hard he started to get hard Downunder from the words I told him. God damn, I love how I can take his world and make him look like this.

"Are you okay young master? You look like your head is going to explode your super red," Law smirked because he definitely knew what I did to him.

"Oh yes, I forgot one more thing. If you try to that again," I said as I leaned to Riden's ear again and whispered, "I'm going to dress up like a hot sexy fucking teacher that will make you so wet and bothered. Then, I'm going fucking spank you with a ruler for good measure."

"Yes...I...under....stand," breathed Riden trying not to gasp with pleasure as I turned him on with my dirty words.

"This victory is mine." I laughed, "Also, Riden? You are so easy to read when getting revenge. Also, even to make you so turned on with just words makes me super happy. Now let's get going before we become late for the appointment."

When we got to Dr. Hale's office after waiting for twenty minutes, I could see that it was not as busy as I thought it would be. There was only a couple of people that were waiting in the hospital. It made the hospital quiet and mellow to relax before seeing Dr. Hale.

"So how have you been," smiled Dr. Hale, looking up from his papers as we walked in.

"Everything is going good," I said, walking to the chair by the desk.

"That's good. We will take you to one of the empty rooms and look to see how the baby is doing." said Dr. Hale as he got up from his desk, "it will only talk a few minutes, and you will know the gender of your baby."

When we went into the room with the ultrasound to see how the baby was doing and to find out the gender. Riden started to cry like a giant puppy seeing something magical. I forget that Riden is one big child for looking so damn hot. Even though I know, he will do anything for me.

"So is it a girl or a boy," Riden said, wiping his turns from his face.

"let's see," Dr. Hale said as he looked at the screen that was showing the baby inside my stomach, "you going to have."

"Have what you can't just stop mid-sentence," Riden glared, looking at Dr. Hale like he could burn a hole through him.

"Congratulations, it's a baby boy," Dr. Hale smiled, turning to look at me, not at Riden, how to know once again stated to cry.

"Thanks, Dr. Hale," I smiled as I reached over to Riden's arm and pitched hard.

"ow, that hurt!" yelled Riden as he stopped crying.

"What do you say to the doctor, you big cry baby," I glared, hoping he would stop embarrassing me in front of Dr. Hale.

"Thank you," Riden said as he bowed his head.

"Damn straight, you bow your head, you crying gorilla," I smiled, grabbing his hand.

"Hey, I'm just happy, is all," whined Riden as he looked at me.

Damn this man and his hot and sexy to his fucking cuteness mode in a flip of a switch. Sometimes I feel like he does it on purpose because he knows how embraced I get so quickly when he does this. Riden is lucky. I love him because I would kill him so fast he would not see it coming.

"You guys have a nice day and be careful," Dr. Hale smiled, waving at us as we walked down the hall to the front entrance of the hospital.

"We will see you later, Dr. Hale," I smiled, waving back at him.

Let's get home and have a family meeting to tell our parents about the gender and tell them the name we come up with. Even though it took Riden and me a long time to pick a name. At least we don't have to use the girl's name we chose because that name was easy to determine. Also, I am fucking hella hungry right now as well.