I can't bathe myself!

The lady smiled "Then what are you?"

"I do not know but I know I am not a werewolf. Most people at my age can hear their wolves talking or already know if they are a beta,Alpha,Omega or a Luna" Rudina breathed heavily.

"I see you've done your research" The lady laughed.

"Well yeah" Rudina sighed "Everyone at my age is talking about it"

"How about I tell you that you really aren't a werewolf but something else?" The lady smiled.

"What am I? No, what do you mean by that" Rudina asked.

"It simply means you're a fragment of something else. We all are. I'll let you stay here and I'll teach you by the time you leave here you'll know what you're" The lady said with a wild smile on her face.


'I shouldn't have agreed to this' Rudina thought to herself.

Since she came here she had been woken up earlier than she had ever been woken up in her life. She was stripped and sent to the bathroom but when she got to the bathroom there was no attendant there to bathe her.

She had sat in the empty tub waiting. She thought maybe the attendants had gone to get her hot water. She waited for over thirty minutes till the lady burst in.

"What are you doing?" She had asked.

"I didn't see any attendants so I decided to wait for them" Rudina had replied "How long would it take to get the hot water?"

"What? Hot water?" The lady replied with a sarcastic laugh.

"Did I say something funny?" Rudina asked, confused as to why she was laughing.

"Yukio can you believe this? She's waiting for the attendants to get her hot water" She whispered to herself.

"Yukio?" Rudina asked, more confused at the strange word. She had never heard of it "What is that?"

"My name" The lady replied "From now on you shall refer to me as Yukio-Sama ok?"

"Yes" Rudina nods her head.

"Now get out of that tub and go bathe yourself" Yukio said walking away.

"Bathe myself?!" Rudina screamed. That was impossible, all her life she had been attended to by someone , be it to brush her teeth or to eat or to take a walk outside. Regardless of what it is she wanted to do there was always an attendant with her.

"Why are you so surprised?" Yukio asked, turning around.

"I have never done that!" Rudina replied.

"How is that my business?" Yukio asked not really caring.

"But... Everyone has an attendant" She looked up at Yukio asking "Do you bathe yourself?"

"Of course" Yukio shrugged. "The time I live in no one has no use for attendants, more like it's unnecessary. When I wake up I take a shower before breakfast and then I go to work"

"Shower? What is that?" Rudina asked, confused again.

"Foreign words you don't know of" Yukio replied "Now bathe yourself just like your attendants do. There is a bucket of water somewhere…" she searched with her eyes for it "Ah there it is"

Rudina turned around to see what Yukio was pointing at. It was a wooden bucket that had been filled up with water.

"I can't do this" Rudina said facing Yukio "I never have. I always have an attendant"

"Well we're are they? Huh?" Yukio asked, raising a brow.

Rudina gulped silently.

"Oh right they are gone" Yukio shakes her head pretending to be sad "And their little lady who they had sacrificed themselves trying to save, hoping she would come back to save them also can't even bathe herself"

Rudina bit her lips angrily. She couldn't fight back even if she knew Yukio was mocking her because it was the truth.

"Now Rudina the first step to finding yourself is to be able to take care of yourself even when no one is there for you" Yukio said "You better bathe yourself really quick we have other things to do" she closed the bathroom door leaving.

At first she couldn't really bathe herself very well as she had never done it but as time passed she became used to it. She could even bathe another person at this moment.

Whenever Yukio wasn't around Rudina had to clean the whole mansion. She swept, she wiped, she dusted, she did everything by herself. If she had been told back before the March was destroyed that she would be doing this she would have laughed saying impossible.

Rudina sat down breathing heavily. She was tired. She hadn't eaten enough since she came here or rather she hadn't eaten as much as she used to before.

When she lived in March she could eat as much as she wanted and even waste a bit. Although her dad would always get annoyed whenever she threw her food away or decided not to eat.

But Yukio was the worst. If Rudina ever gets angry and decides not to eat Yukio would say nothing. She would not try to talk Rudina out of it, she would let her go.

Then when Rudina calms down and is hungry she would find nothing in the kitchen. She would search and search but they would be nothing.

The worst was that on days like this Yukio never seems to return home. She always comes back the day after or two days later.

Rudina didn't need to wait for anyone to tell her. She knew if she kept up with the way she behaves she would end up killing herself. It took her some time but she quickly adapted to the new lifestyle.

"Rudina!" Yukio shouted while walking in. She had just returned from work and thought it was the perfect time to give Rudina something.

"Yes" Rudina quickly got up running to Yukio.

"I've got something for you" She smiled happily.

"What? Me?" Rudina asked, surprised. Yukio always had a stern face and was never smiling, especially when giving Rudina orders.

"Yes you" she giggled, giving Rudina a big box.

Rudina collected the box, opening it suspiciously. She wondered what was in it that made her giggle so much.

She paused looking at Yukio.

"What? Open it!" Yukio urged her.

"Ok" Rudina dragged slowly, opening the box slowly.

Rudina gasped when she saw what was in the box.