Chapter 5

Ever since Sera had taken Caious into custody, she had been hands-on with the three especially now that there are four of them living inside her house, including herself. She had to be more dedicated to her job, even though it was only part-time, her salary was high.

Today was her first day, and Sera woke up so early for the first time in her whole lifetime. Cooked her breakfast and lunch, bathed her babies, then served them their food.

After Sera was done doing things for her babies, she fixed herself for her job. Sera wore a simple white polo shirt paired with black slacks and black converse shoes.

She tied her hair in a clean bun and wore her thick black glasses then her black Nike cap.

Sera went down from her room to the dining with a smile, excited about what she would be doing on her first day as an assistant of a veterinarian.

So as a result of her excitement, she ate her breakfast inside her house, which only happens once in a blue moon.

Slyvester, who just happen to finish his food first, went to Sera and rubbed his body on her leg while purring. Much to Cloud's annoyance of the black cat, he deliberately barked at Sylvester which ignored Cloud and slap its face with his tail.

Cloud, tried to bite Sylvester's tail which slapped his face, but the cat was faster and stealthy. But before the chase even started, Caious who was the most polite and strict member of the house stopped Cloud, who was half the size of the wolf.

Caious and Cloud were staring at each other as if communicating through their minds, then suddenly Cloud avoided his gaze and skipped his way to her, looking up to her adorably.

Sera chuckled as to how the two were afraid of Caious, even Sera sometimes felt scared of Caious but the Wolf would always show sweetness and care, only to her that is.

After finishing her food, Sera washed the dishes and filled the three bowls in the kitchen just in case the three felt hungry, they could just come to their plates and eat on their own.

She quietly went to the door, Sera knows that the three would follow her unto the door so she turned around for the last time and patted their heads.

"Take care of them for me for a while Caious," she cupped Caious face and gave him a nose to nose. Making Cloud and Sylvester bark and meow in disapproval.

"Okay, okay. You take care of yourselves, but just in case. I'm leaving Caious in charge of everything inside the house." She also gave the both of them a nose-to-nose, before turning to the door and locking it.

Ever since Sera let Caious in, inside her house and life she had trusted him more than she had trusted Naja, it's maybe because Caious had saved her life once, and the aura of independence and great leadership she senses around Caious.

Sera was again just walking her way to the clinic, she didn't dare take her phone out of her bag, even though it kept on ringing none stop. She only continued walking her way to the clinic, not wanting to be late.

It was already 5:50 when she left her house, so she quickened her pace.

After a while, she had already arrived at the clinic, but it was still close. She decided to take her phone out of her bag and saw the time, it was 6:20 but the clinic was still closed.

Sera's brows furrowed, but they suddenly disappear when a loud beeping of a car's horn, sounded behind her. Startling her soul out of her body.

"What the f!-" before she could even continue her curse, Dr. Ada had stepped out of the car, with a wide bright smile on her face.

"Your early," Ada said as she searched for the clinic's key in her handbag.

"Yeah, you said we open at 6:00 a.m so I came here a little bit late, but I didn't expect the clinic to be still close when I arrive," Sera said looking at the Doctor, who can't seem to find the clinic's keys.

"Do you need-" "FOUND IT!"

Sera was again a little bit startled as Dr. Ada surprised her with that scream.

She had always thought that Dr. Ada was a strict and snobbish kind of boss when she first meet her at her clinic, but the moment the Doctor had opened her mouth, that image slowly faded away and had changed into an image of an approachable and kind woman, whom she was talking with.

" I have a scheduled operation later for a pregnant cat, so please prepare yourself before the patient arrives." She followed the doctor that went to her table, while she stood at the side, listening to the doctor's every instruction.

Sera took down notes for the most important details so she did not forget. After preparing the room for the operation Sera went to find her bag and took her phone to see 20 missed calls from Naja and 50 messages from her classmates.

They were talking about having a party, a get-together before they all graduated and went on their separate ways.

Sera was about to decline but stopped when Naja said that she was going, so she sighed as she typed the words ' I'm going and hit the send button.

"Are you ready Hina?" Dr. Ada asked her as the patient has arrived.

After they have successfully done the operation, Dr. Ada had given her a break, which means it was time for her to eat her lunch.

Sera ate as she continued texting with her classmates, talking about when and where would they hold the party. She was just reading the arguments and she would sometimes reply whenever she didn't like the place or it was too far away from their houses.

And then finally, everyone had agreed to a place called 'Alcoholic Karaoke bar' which was not that far from everyone's houses.

Sighing, Sera turned her phone to silent to focus on her job, it was after all up to her.