Chapter 12

'What the heck was that?'

'Who were those men?'

"POTA! SINO?! NOSI BA LASI?! SINO?! SINO BA SILA?!" Wait. Sera stopped. What did I just say?

Sera shook her head aggressively. I need to know, who were those men? How did they enter her house? Why were they-

Sera's face blushed as she remembered last night's activities. Pacing back and forth inside her room Sera finally thought of something.

She quickly looked at her pets, and her eyes stopped at Cloud. Sera froze on her feet.

"What in the?- Cloud? The heck? Since when did you get this big? What the fuck?" The Cloud that she remembered was only half the size of Caious. Now how could Cloud grow as big as Caious overnight?

"Cloud! Did you eat something? What was it? The hell?! What in the chaotic world is happening?" Cloud coughed and looked in a different direction.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" Sera caressed Cloud's back trying to help. While Caious and Sylvester were just sitting still.

"Were you guys, Scared last night? You would've been scared last night. Three men entered our house last night a-and aaahhm w-well." Sera sighed not able to tell anything.

"Nevermind" she weakly smiled at the three and stood up to leave.

It was already 11:45 so she went outside for some air.

She didn't want to remember what happened last night, and she doesn't want to know if she still have her hymen attached. Sera looked at 'that' part of her body and felt her cheeks heating up.

After a minute of breathing fresh air, Sera went back inside and walked her way to the bathroom near the kitchen, where the crime had been done.

'Time to use my Scene of the Crime Operatives skills'

Sera's brows furrowed at that thought, where did she get that 'Scene of the crime operatives thing? What the fuck was happening to her? Sera shook her head.

And when Sera opened the door, what greeted her was a cleaned bathroom, no evidence not even her clothes were there.

She searched every nook and crock inside and saw nothing.

Sera held her chin and was again deep in her thoughts.

"Okay, time to investigate." Sera clapped her hands, then Sylvester, Cloud, and Caious came running down from her room.

Everyone was avoiding her gaze, making her sigh. Sera knows that they are guilty for leaving her behind, and she understands that they were scared. Even if she says that Caious has the advantage of being a wolf, no one knows if those men were armed and ready to kill them.

But she can't just let what happened to her go. She needs to know every single one of those who touched her and kill them with her own bare hands.

"I'm leaving, you three stay." And without any second thoughts, Sera left, leaving the three worried. What happened to Sera makes them not leave her side, they wanted to protect and help her. In short, what happened to Sera made them lose their trust in humans.

With a determined stature, Caious went to Sera's room where the window was slightly open, along with Sylvester and Cloud, Caious opened the window widely and quickly jumped off, the two following him.

Following the gentle lavender scent with a little mixed scent of pumpkin, Caious ran fast. Every person that they ran into was scared, seeing a loose wolf running around was dangerous.

While Sera was running towards Naja's house, she was determined to face Jonas and ask him. No one could stop her not even Aunt Kenna, if they want to they can try.

Sera fastened her pace, moments later she was already standing in front of Naja's house. A maid came rushing towards the gate and abruptly opened the gates for her, the gate was only halfway open but Sera didn't care and was in a hurry, she slightly pushed the gates as she squished herself in. The maid's mouth hangs open in shock.

Sera didn't let the maid put in mind what the maid looked like and just continued to stride her way inside the house.

"Sera! What brings you here?" Great, just the person she wanted to talk to.

"Sorry for the sudden visit Auntie, but I just have some things in mind that only a certain person could answer." Sera looked directly at the woman's eyes.

"I can help you with that, luckily Jonas is still in our basement being tortured." Aunt Kenna said gleefully with a sinister smile plastered on her lips. 

"Please follow me," Sera just silently followed Aunt Kenna as she guided her to their basement.

Sera's brows furrowed as they went upstairs where the rooms are located, passing through every door, Aunt Kenna finally stopped at a plain oak wood door. She slowly opened the door and her eyes were greeted with a simple empty room.

A plain white bed, a vanity mirror, bedside table, study table, and two other doors were the bathrooms and walk-in closet.

Sera looked at the woman with a questioning look and was about to say something when the woman walked towards the door on the left, which she guessed was the walk-in closet.

"Aren't you coming Sera?" The woman had already opened the door and was only waiting for her. Sera walked towards the door and was greeted by clothes, shoes, bags, and other things besides a basement.

"I thought we were going to the basement? Why are we here?" Sera finally said, but Kenna just smiled at her and went through the hanging clothes.

"Oh, but we are dear." Moments later Sera heard a clicking sound, and the ground shook.

Sera thought that her head was just spinning as the room full of clothes vanished and was now a dark eerie hallway.

"W-wait, where are we?" Sera was now literally confused.

"That walk-in closet is a secret passage to our basement, not even Naja knows about this passage." They walked the dark hallway, Kenna walked like a Queen while Sera was a bit uncomfortable.

"This room was designed by our ancestors for prisoners and to torture someone, and I let you in because I owe you for saving my daughter. Naja would have been in grave danger if you weren't there, Naja would've been broken. You are the greatest gift the gods had sent for my daughter and I don't wanna lose that gift, which is you Sera." Kenna stopped as they reached the dead-end of the hallway Kenna faced her and tucked the loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Thank you Sera, for not having second thoughts about saving Naja, words could never measure the gratitude I have for you as my daughter's friend." Sera was just listening but she let her tears fall. Kenna wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"We are now here," then Aunt Kenna pushed a part of the wall, moments later the brick wall fell apart and Sera saw stairs going down the basement.

Sera walked the dark stairs unafraid, as she descend the stairs a lot of things were running through her mind, of what could she possibly do to Jonas once she saw him, or what would she ask him first.

She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't realize that she was already at the bottom, the moment she stepped in, a strong pungent smell covered her nose, and a horrific scream and cry filled her ears.

For a moment Sera's mind went blank, she felt sorry for Jonas yet half of her said that he deserved it. Sera sighed her thoughts away and slowly walked towards the cell in front of her.

All the cells were empty, except the one in front of her.

And as she walks, the screaming and crying would continue. The moment she had reached the cell she spoke.

"Aunt Kenna said that you can leave." Her voice echoed in the four corners of the room.

The two who were assigned to torture Jonas and his accomplice silently bowed their heads to her and left the cell without complaints.

Sera stepped inside the cell and looked at the two who were now beyond unrecognizable and spoke.

"Where and who? Jonas, speak now or you'll forever be silenced."