Chapter 15

"Finally, you're awake." Caious stood in front of Jonas who was struggling from the tree.

"W-who a-are you? Where am i?" But Jonas words were left in to deaf ears, instead Caious just swung his katana on Jonas arms and legs making deep cuts.

"Stop! Fuck stop! What did i ever do to you?!" But Caious didn't answer him he just swing his sword on him like a madman.

The cuts were deep, but not enough to kill the man.

Tears, sweat and blood were mixed on Jonas face as he screamed in pain. On the other side of the tree where his accomplice was, stirred awake. His face instantly paled when his eyes were greeted by sharp glares from an icy blue eyes.

Sylvester was carrying a large barrel on his shoulder, standing straight as if the weight doesn't affect him at all.

While Cloud pricked needles on the mans nerves.

"Wh-what are you d-doing?! Who are you?! Don't touch me!" But before the man could even struggle Cloud had already pricked his nerves where he would be paralyzed. Then Cloud pricked his nerves where he would be relaxed, the man calmed down without even knowing that it was gonna be his last day relaxing.

"Just a minute, i'll just bring this barrel to Caious." Sylvester said as he throw a plastic at Cloud.

"There, it's still fresh." Then he walked around the tree to give the barrel to Caious who was done lashing out on Jonas.

Jonas was already half conscious because of the pain he was feeling, he was just recovering from his torture and here he is! Still being tortured again by different men.

Sylvester jumped beside Caiuos still the barrel on his shoulder.

"You're almost done," Sylvester said as he opened the barrel, and what was inside were honeys. Sweet thick honeys.

Caious removed his gloves and scooped a handful of honey and brought it near Jonas cuts, letting the honey drip on his wounds.

Jonas eyes willed up in tears as the honey slowly coated his deep cuts, although honey was know to be used as a treatment to wounds on ancient times the burning sensation when honey is applied directly to a wound is still a torture.

Caious heard a crackling sound as he pourd the honey all over Jonas deep cuts. The crackling means the honey was disinfecting his wounds, honey was after all know for being good at healing wounds. But the honey was not only used to treat wounds, it was also used as a torture, well in a way.

Caious moved his hands near Jonas mouth, the honey still dripping. When Jonas smelled the honey, his mouth unconsciously opened. Being tortured means no food and water, which means Jonas was very hungry and thirsty that he didn't care if he was being feed with honey.

After Caious was satisfied, he carried the barrel on his shoulder and pour all the honey on Jonas, Jonas screamed as his whole body convulsed in pain. Covered by the thick honey Jonas could barely open his eyes, his lips open to breath as his nose was also covered with honey, Caious threw the empty barrel and put both his arms on his waist.

And just like that, Caious left him without a word.

Meanwhile on the other side of the tree, Cloud ripped open the plastic and took out the fresh fish liver inside with his gloves on of course.

Sylvester who just arrived waved his hand which was holding a dagger and made a movement as if throwing them to the man tied on the tree.

Cloud understood and took two wide side steps. The moment Cloud was out of Sylvester's line of sight, he quickly tossed his daggers to the man tied up on the tree.

The guy grunted and screamed as the daggers dug deep unto his flesh.

"Nice aim Sylvester!" Cloud even gave a thumbs up to Sylvester, but Sylvester was not done yet.

He tossed and tossed daggers after daggers, he didn't stop until the man was half conscious.

Cloud was just watching as the man spurt out blood from his mouth, the man can't even cry because of the needle that was pricked on his nerve where he would be relaxed.

With a snap of Sylvester's fingers the daggers on the mans body disintegrated without a trace. That's when Cloud stepped back in front of the man and started to rub the fishes liver all over its body.

"What are you doing? Wh-"

"So that you won't feel lonely when i leave you later on." Cloud flashed a wicked smile on the guy as he continued his work.

"Done?" Caious asked without a hint of remorse nor any emotion on his face.

"Yeah," Cloud removed his gloves as it turned into a thin piece of glass and break.

Caious and Sylvester did the same thing, removing their gloves as it disintegrates.

They were about to leave when the guy asked them a question that made them stop on their tracks.

"Why are doing this? Did we somehow offended you? If we did, please let's just forget everything! Please!"

"You didn't offended us, but if you did we wouldn't careless even. But you have offended someone that we cherished the most." Cloud said as his body releases a shivering cold aura, his eyes voided with any emotions, the playful Cloud was nowhere to be found.

"My lady is a very nice woman, but we don't go tolerating such morality towards our lady." Sylvester was smiling but the aura he was releasing were telling anyone who can sense it that he was ready to kill.

Caious just stayed silent, but threw a menacing glance at the man. He was leading the two as they walked out of the forest.

Moments later after the three had leaved the forest, a group of ravens were swarming around the guy, smelling the fresh fish liver covering the man, plus its blood leaking off his wounds.

The ravens slowly landed on his shoulders and head looking at him.

And when the birds started to pick on his wounds, he could only grunt with his eyes widely open, watching his own self get eaten by the ravens.

One bird who was standing on his shoulder, picked his eyes. Unable to move he tried to struggle even though he can't, but he forced himself to move.

Meanwhile, Jonas was starting to feel ants crawling all over his body, bitting his skin, crawling inside his deep wounds, eyes, ears and mouth.

Jonas screamed and his body shook in pain.

And just like that, both of them died uniting themselves with nature.