Chapter 18

A hundred Centuries ago, there only exist two beings.

Ezekiel and Isiah is what they called themselves.

Isiah decided to create a world, and after that called it earth. Isiah wasn't satisfied and created the land, water, sky, the animals then a replica of himself. As happy as he can be, he had gifted the humans with his prowess and called it magique.

Ezekiel saw everything and felt envious, so he also made his own world. A replica of what Isiah had created. But on Ezekiel's world, there were no humans, nor animals, sky and water.

Instead, he created volcanoes, lava as their ocean, and fire as their lakes. The people inside were like humans, but with red skin, sharp claws, horns and ears same as the animal.

Ezekiel loved his people, although they looked horrifying he make sure that their soul and minds were pure. Excited and happy as he was, he had shown his creation to Isiah.

Both happy of what they had made, they decided to unite the two worlds. The earth and ardor was united along with it's people.

Everything was okay, both of them would sometimes pretend as humans to interact with them. Until Ezekiel meet a woman, a princess to be precise.

She was graceful and kind, and she adored his creations the arnians that looked like humans but had the features of an animal and the ability they have as they can shift into animals.

And before Ezekiel even know, he had already fell in love with her.

Gods were not allowed to fall in love, and when Isiah knew he was already to late. Ezekiel had already vanished along with the princess.

Sera stirred awake, her messy hair was all over her face, she had a really weird dream which she can vaguely remember.

Sera yawned and stretched her body.

"You are finally awake my lady, i have already prepared your breakfast." Sylvester spoke on her side with a slight smile on his lips.

"Whaaaaa! The fuck?! What are you doing here?!"

"Lady Sera, i am here as your butler. I am Sylvester the cat with a mismatched eyes and one of your so called baby."  Sylvester teased her.

"I t-thought it w-was a d-ream.... shit! Does that mean i make out with a Wolf, dog and a cat?! Oh my god!"

'No! That can't be! I'm not a Zoophilia am i? No! I'm straight! I am not a Zoophilia!'

"Whaaaaaa!" Sera whined as memories of her bathing with the three flashed on her mind, she buried her face on her pillow out of so much embarrassment when Sylvester spoke again.

"My lady, you have to eat your breakfast or you will be late for work." Sera glared at the smiling Sylvester.

"I don't have a work today, because it's weekdays and Dr. Ada said that she would only call me if ever she will be needing extra hands on the clinic, now get out of my room!" Sera even kicked her blanket off the bed making Sylvester chuckle.

"Then, you'll be late in school." Her eyes went wide when she realized that she had classes.

"Get out!"

"Would you like us to accompany you on the bathroom while you took a shower my lady, we promise to behave ourselves."

"Scram you stupid! Shameless cat!"

"As you wish my lady," when sylvester closed the door, sera threw her pillow at it and grumply went off her bed to take a shower.

Sera blushed again as she remembered how she would let those bastard join her on her bath, Sera hid her face on her palm as shame spread through her body.

She tried to ignore the memories inside her head as she finishes her bath.

After that she quickly wore her uniforms and went down to the kitchen, where she found three gorgeous men waiting for her.

Caious was wearing a grey polo shirt, dark brown slacks and a dark brown shoes, his curly dark hair was in a messy style making him look so hot.

'Sera, you're not a Zoophilia!' 

Cloud was wearing a casual white shirt with a simple print on the front 'Baby' Sera's brows twitched in annoyance, this two is seriously teasing her huh? And to pair with his white shirt was a loose blue jeans and a pair of gray snickers.

Sylvester was behind her seat, waiting for her.

He was wearing a white wing collar shirt, black morning coat, grey trousers, a pair of white gloves, grey vest, black tie and his infamous round glasses. His hair neatly combed. Making him look like a badass butler.

As Sera approached the three, they slightly bowed their heads on her as a greeting and respect.

Sera carefully sat on her chair, while Sylvester carefully pulled the seat for her.

"Thank you," she awkwardly said.

"It is an honor," Sylvester then walked towards the two, who were just standing at the corner of the room, standing straight and unfazed.

Sera was just silently eating her food as the air keeps on getting heavy with the awkwardness when Caious spoke with his straight face.

"I will be accompanying you towards your school mistress, a lot of nakaras might have sensed your presence already. Please give me the honor of protecting you Mistress Sera."

While Sera who was eating, spurt out the food she was eating after hearing what he said.

"W-what? Are you crazy? You're not allowed to enter the school premises, and why would you protect me? Its not like something's going to happen to me hahahaha. Especially at your form as a wolf, so no. Not happening." Sera drunk the milk beside her before standing up to leave.

"Thank you for the food," she then just grabbed her bag, which was Caious holding and left.

The three just looked at each other and sighed.

"Stubborn little miss," Caious said as a smirk appeared on his face.

Meanwhile, Naja just opened the door to their house when she heard a soft meow coming from her side.

"O.M.G! A ginger cat! Whaaaaa~ so adorable!" Naja took the cat on her arms and walked back in inside their house. Since it was inside their property, it means that the she owns the cat.

"I'm sure Sera would be glad to see you," she then rubbed her fingers at the cats nose.

Naja carried the cat to her room and lay her down on her bed. She kneeled so she could level her face with the cat.

"I'm gonna call you cinnamon," the cat hissed at her aggressively not agreeing with the name she had given her.

"Eeh? Cinnamon is a nice name! Why don't you like it?" She was about to touch its forehead when it hissed at her again, baring her claws at her.

"How dare you!" Pouting and stomping her feet, naja left their house to go to school.

While Sera continued to walk on her own to their school, unaware of the things that was happening around her.

She walked and walked, and when she finally reached their school, she walked to her room and was greeted by their classmates guilty and sad eyes.