Chapter 28

"Sylvy~ can you please come with me? I'm going to Naja's house, she said i should bring you." Sera said as she fixed her clothes in front of the mirror.

"But of course my lady," Sylvester slightly bowed at her.

Sera was already feeling a little bit annoyed at her bracers, it won't fit her breast but she keep trying to adjust and squeeze everything in.Feeling frustrated, Sera quickly took off her shirt and bra.

"Sylvy~ can you please hand me my breast tape? My bracers doesn't fit my size anymore, i think they've grown." Sera's back was  facing Sylvester and he could clearly see Sera's top less body reflected on the mirror.

Sylvester swallowed an imaginary lump as he felt a little bit discomfort and hot. He just silently bowed his head and walked briskly unto Sera's cabinet to search for the so called breast tape.

"Here it is my lady," Sylvester handed her a container where her breast tape were, his head was lowered, his eyes sticking to the floor.

Sera laughed at how Sylvester acted in front of her.

"Why are you avoiding your gaze Sylvy? It's not like this is the first time you saw me naked,"

"It was an emergency my lady, i have but no choice but to gaze and touch." Sylvester tried his hardest to be formal in front of Sera.

He was really feeling hot and uncomfortable, and then a realization befell on Sylvester's mind. Could it be that.

Sylvester shook his head and tried to act natural. After Sera finishes wearing her clothes, she noticed Sylvester's red face and heavy breathing.

"Hey, are you alright? You don't look good Sylvy,"

Hearing lady Sera's given nickname Sylvester even felt more hot. Sera who was worried stepped closer to touch his forehead and feel his temperature.

"You're burning Sylvy, i think you should stay here and have a rest. You've been doing a lot of things around the house. I'll just ask Caious to come with me, since Cloud seems to be knowledgeable about medicines i'll leave him to take care of you." 

Sylvester was left with no choice but to stay, he didn't want to burden his Lady.

"My sincerest apology," he apologize, Sera gently smiled at him and softly patted his head.

"No need to apologize, after all it is my responsibility to look after all of you." Sylvester didn't know when did Sera left, but he just realized that he was alone in her room when she heard her voice saying goodbye.

Sylvester slowly walked to Sera's bed and sat.

"Lady Sera's bed," he brushed the surface with his hand, he then took one of Sera's pillow and inhaled into it.

"Why does this pillow have lady Sera's scent? Ahh~ it's so warm and soft, lady Sera." Sylvester lay down on the bed as he hugged the pillow tight murmuring Sera's name and inhaling her scent on the pillow.

"Vester? Are you here? Mademoiselle said you're not feeling well-"

"Ahh~ my lady, my lady~"

Sylvester was moaning and groaning, his face was buried on the pillow, he was so busy and occupied that he didn't heard and felt another presence inside the room.

"Oh great, it's that season already?" Cloud said it so loud for Sylvester to hear, but Sylvester was feeling hot and aroused as he was enveloped by Sera's scent. The strong feeling to touch and have a taste of Sera kept on playing on Sylvester's mind as he kept on moaning and groaning, making Cloud a little bit annoyed.

"Come with me and soak yourself in a cold shower!" Cloud dragged him off the bed and to Sera's bathroom.

"Ahh~ so this is where lady Sera took a bath earlier, and this is her shampoo and soap!"

"Shit!" Cloud quickly took Sera's belongings from Sylvester's grasp and dragged him out again from Sera's room, this time he dragged him to its room. He locked the the door as he entered and dragged the in heat feline to the bathroom and turned on the cold shower.

"Stay there! I'm just going to get you something to eat and drink to help you calm, and if you can't! Do the job yourself!" Cloud quickly exited the bathroom and exited the room.

Meanwhile, Sera and Caious were sitting at the living room waiting for Naja who was carrying a ginger cat that was struggling from her grasp.

"You little devil! Stop fighting me!" Naja jerked as the ginger cat scratched and bite her hand.

"Oh, is that the cat you told me about last time? What a feisty one you got their." All of a sudden the cat stopped struggling as it heard Sera's voice.

"Oh, it stopped." Naja said as she noticed the cat staring at Sera and Caious.

"Wait a minute, i feel a familiar presence." Sera narrowed her eyes as she focused her attention to the aura, a teasing smile appeared at Sera's face as she stared back at the ginger cat on Naja's arms.

"What a shame that the great and powerful nine tailed fox is now just a lowly pet cat, meow~" Naja's brows were knitted but the cat on her arms were annoyed, and started to make an angry sound and bare its fangs.

"Hey!" Naja tried to get a hold of the cat, but it quickly jumped out of her arms and run towards Sera who was grinning. Before the cat could even reach Sera, it was engulfed by flames.

"Eh! Sera what are you doing?!" Naja run towards the cat, and as the flames disappeared Naja's eyes bulged to see a woman wearing a pink above the knee dress, its golden eyes looking sharply at Sera, its copper like hair reached its waist.

"Its nice seeing you here Pryll, you sure are as energetic as the last time we meet."

"You almost killed me!"

"You almost killed me too back then, well can i at least hear an apology and thanks from you? My, at least i've given you back the magique that i stole from you." Sera crossed her arms on her chest, while Caious remained silent on the corner.

"And why would i apologize?"

"Well you should at least apologize for burning my house down,"

"Wait? I'm confused," Naja can't help but intrude, she was shifting glances from Sera to the woman who happens to be her cat and was called Pryll by Sera.

"So, cinnamon is actually an Ardor? And what are you talking about your house burning?" Naja kept asking but she was just ignored by the two.

"You seemed to have get stronger," Pryll's eyes were scanning Sera from head to toe, and then it stopped on her chest. Pryll felt her face heat up in jealousy and anger as she cupped her valley chest. She furiously marched her way to Sera's front with an attempt to murder her, but when she came face to face with Sera, just meters away. She was taken aback as she looked at her face closely.

Her chestnut brown hair were simply on a one sided loose, her once innocent eyes were now twinkling with mischief and confidence, her thin pinky lips were now ripe red with a grin. Her pale white skin were now plum.

"This is so unfair!" Pryll cried out for the first time, feeling infuriated and helpless. She was Envious alright, how could Sera be so effortlessly gorgeous? When she spent a lot of time alone inside her room just to look good! All her life she's been finding ways to be beautiful in a natural way, she had spent centuries for her to look what she is today! And that Sera only took weeks to look aesthetic!

"Why?" Naja actually felt sad.

"What do you mean?" Sera asked a bit confused as to why Pryll suddenly broke down and cry.

"Why do you have to look better than me?! Why do you have to be stronger than me?! Why do you have to be so much better?! Why can't i be the most?! Why?!" The confusion on Sera's face quickly changed in to rage.

"So, its about that again? About your insecurities? Why? I didn't ask for me to be pretty! I didn't ask for this face, all i have to do is just appreciate the one who created me, i maybe strong because of the given power i have with me but believe me when i tell you that i am not! I may look strong but i am quite tired of everything! And all i could do is look for some one for me to have an excuse to still breath and live! I am no better than any humans or any Ardor! I got bullied ever since i was 7! So don't tell me that i am doing everything effortlessly. I've done what i have to do just to stand and still talk to you right now. I struggled the same way you did."

"Feeling Envious is fine, its a proof that you have feelings.

Being insecure is fine. You know we all differ in genes, face structure and all, we can't change what the god has given us because all of us! Individually are his masterpiece! So why compare yourself? We are all equal in his eyes! Whether you are ugly, pretty, cute, beautiful or gorgeous nothing and no one is above one another." Sera felt her eye sting as she turned her back against everyone, avoiding their eyes. She didn't want them to see her cry.

"And remember this, when people shame you of your face or body, just tell yourself that you are gods masterpiece and laughing and insulting his creation means mocking and insulting him back.

So never lower yourself when people call you names, you are a masterpiece and is unique in a different way." She said before running towards the stairs to the second floor, Naja wanted to follow her but Caious stopped by grabbing her wrist.

Sera entered in one of the guest rooms, it was the room where Aunt Kenna brought her last time, where the secret passage to their basement is.

The window to the room was covered with a thick red curtain, making it dark inside. Sera slowly walked her way to the bed while wiping her tears.

After lashing out her thoughts and feelings, she actually felt a little lighter. Like the heavy feeling inside her chest had been reduced. Feeling a little bit tired after crying, Sera lay down on the bed to rest.

On the other hand, Sylvester who was alone on the bathroom felt so aroused and hot.

"S-sera," he had tried to do the job by hand but his body was craving for someone else's touch, he wanted to feel the soft and warm body pressed again his as he slammed his thick hard shaft deep.

Sera's face was the only image inside Sylvester's mind as he tried harder to control himself. But as time passes his self control was slowly drifting away, totally consumed by the heat and lust. Sylvester shapeshift in to his cat form and exited his room.

Remembering the path towards Naja's house, Sylvester run fast like a hungry lion afraid to be left out of meat. He kept producing a Caterwauling sound as his body continues to run.

He could smell Sera's scent from a far, making him salivate. He kept on yowling and purring until he reached the window where he could smell the strong scent of Sera's mixed perfume and shampoo.

Sylvester scratched the window while purring and caterwauling loudly, making the peacefully sleeping Sera awake.

Seeing the shadow on the window, Sera rushed to the window only to see Sylvester on his cat form, scratching the window and yowling at her.

Sera quickly opened the window and let the cat inside.

"Hey, i thought you were having a fever? Why did you follow us here?"

On the other hand, Cloud who just finished cooking the crab and mushroom soup went up to Sylvester's room with its medicine, only to see the bathroom empty and the window open.

"Great!" He quickly left the tray of foods and medicine and tried to call Naja's land line, but no one was answering the call.

Sera, who was worried carried Sylvester on her arms and walked to the bed, Sera carefully sat on the bed as she fixed Sylvester's position on her lap.

But Sylvester would not settle down on her lap, he would rub his head on her thigh and sniff her there which made her uncomfortable.

Sera gently put Sylvester on the edge of the bed as she settled herself near the head bored of the bed. Sylvester suddenly shapeshifts into his human form, completely naked with all his glory. His eyes full of lust, his breathing raged, his body radiating hot.

But before Sera could say a word about it, Sylvester pounced at her as his lips devoured hers. Struggling from the kiss, Sera pushed Sylvester with all her strength.

"What's gotten in to you Sylvy? Did you accidentally consumed a aphrodisiac? " Sera was worried that Sylvester was acting the same as she was when she was drugged. But Sylvester shook his head and spoke.

"I am ashamed to admit that i am currently in heat, i am deeply sorry for taking advantage of my lady uugghh," looking at Sera's disheveled appearance made him loss his control again.

"Please forgive me my lady, i-i-"

"It's okay Sylvy~ i totally understand your situation," Sera crawled her way to Sylvester and sat on his lap, locking him between her thighs.

Sylvester groaned in pleasure as his raging crotch felt Sera's warm feminine skin. Sera wrapped her arms around Sylvester's neck and pulled his hair to make him look up to her.

"Let me help you with how you helped me back then Sylvy," Sera whispered on his ear and licked his earlobe. Sylvester felt his lustic blood gush through his veins, wrapping his hands on Sera's waist to lock her on her place, he once again kissed her full on the mouth, their tongue battled in sync as he started to move his waist up and down. Sera was bouncing along, as they continued to kiss each other fervently.

Sylvester's raging thing was poking on Sera's undergarments, since she was wearing a dress it was very easy to access.

Sera moaned as the pleasure continued to consume her.

"Ahh~" she squirmed as Sylvester's lips traveled down to her jaw, down to her neck and valley of her breast. His teeth scraping and biting her skin, his tongue teasing and taking the sting of his bite away.

"Oh god, you smell and taste so good my lady," Sylvester's hand started to travel down her dress, still on the same position his other hand lowering the zipper of her dress from her back.

Sera slowly lowered the top of her dress, as if seducing the already in heat man in front of her, but Sylvester's patience were wearing off. He pushed her on the bed as he pressed himself to her, Sylvester guided her legs to wrap around his waist.

Sylvester's eyes were fixated on her breast which was covered with her breast tape, so she took them off giving him a full show.

Sylvester felt his throat dried as his eyes feasted on Sera's perfectly round bust.

"Ahh~" a loud moan escaped Sera's mouth as Sylvester's large warm hand cupped her right breast and played with her sensitive nipple.

"Ahh~ Sylvy, please be gentle~ aahh~ oh god~" another loud moan escaped her mouth as Sylvester dipped his head on her left breast and played her nipples with his warms wet tongue, Sera's hand grabbed a handful of Sylvester's hair as she pushed his head on her.

"Ahh, yes! Like that!" Sylvester started to thrust again, still with her undergarments on. His hard length poking and teasing her femininity, the room was filled with their groans and moans. Until finally, Sylvester reached his climax the same time Sera reached her peak. Both of them screamed in ecstasy as they release their orgasm.