Chapter 32

Everything became slow motion in Sera's eyes as Caious closed his eyes, still hugging her.

"Caious, hey! Wake up! Breath damn you!" Sera felt helpless and weak, and she cried when she saw Pryll, Sylvester and Cloud laying in front of her unmoving.

"No, no. This is just Griffin's demonstration of his illusion! This is not real! Please open your eyes!" But no one opened their eyes. Sera felt a strong emotion inside her chest.

Her eyes literally burning in anger, the tattoos on her chest and back burning brightly, in sync to her burning anger.

Time slowly went back to normal as Sera slowly levitated to the air, her hair flaring like flames, her eyes creating sparks as she throw glares towards her own blood and flesh.

Regine who was about to sing held her breath seeing Sera's appearance. Anne on the other hand proceeded to her attack, she quickly turned herself into a smoke and went to suffocate the unmoving Aranian's.

Luminaria continues to suck up the Oxygen on their lungs, she was enjoying herself as she watched them not moving on the floor, but that joy was cut short when a small ball of white flame came rushing towards her. It was too late for her to dodge the ball, and when it comes in contact with her shirt she was immediately consumed by it.


Kenna and Akane stopped throwing each other with attacks as the floating Sera begun to burn brightly that it hurt their eyes, Sera releases a tiny ball of flame the size of an eyeball. She flicked it using her fingers, towards the unconscious Aranian's. The smoke that was covering their body retracted and returned to it's original form, Anne screamed as her skin was burned.

Regine felt suffocated of the anger, disappointment, and other mixed feelings she was feeling towards Sera, the emotions were so heavy that she begun to feel her shoulders heavy and her head hurt like it was about to explode.

While the others who was just standing there can't really see what was happening because of the blinding light Sera was emitting, but the pleading cries of their sisters and cousins were enough.

"What have you done to my children you monster!" Akane screamed as she attacked Sera, this time Kenna didn't stopped her. Her attacks were aimless as she couldn't see because of the light Sera was emitting.

Kane run towards his siblings and saw Anne who had burned marks all over her body, Regine who was rolling over the ground holding her head down while crying to stop everything.

Luminaria on the other hand was screaming and rolling on the ground, trying her best to stop the angry flames on burning her flesh. She was totally distracted, and her magique was now canceled causing for the Aranian's to finally breath again.

Caious, Pryll, Sylvester and Cloud breathed deeply as Oxygen flows back to their lungs, Cloud and Sylvester even coughed as if water was inside their lungs. It took them a lot of time before they had realized that Sera was floating again and was releasing a blinding light. Sylvester tried to use his ability to manipulate the shadows but, Sera was too strong for him.

"And you call yourselves humans? A family?" The blinding light finally died, Sera's hair was now bloody red the tips of her hair on fire. Her red wine dress was now half burned, the marks on her chest and back burned a piece of her clothing showing them off.

"You threw me across this room, rubbed the oxygen off of not only my lungs but also those innocent Aranian's! What did they ever do to you? Your daughter even had the guts to suffocate them with smoke! What did i ever do to you? To this family?! Why do you hate me so much?!" A huge wing came out of Sera's back as her anger kept rising. Her wings were a mixture of white red and pink, the little sparks in it made it look like glitters.

"Ha! As if i will see you as a member of this family! Your mother was not even part of it in the first place!" Aiden, Adamina and Silas gasped.

"What do you mean?" Ada ask her voice shaking.

"So my thoughts were right," Sera said her voice was calm and soft but her eyes were the opposite of it. 

Akane smirked at them, she threw a glance towards her sister Kenna who was avoiding their gaze.

"That Rori! Ever since mother had brought her inside the castle everyone always flocks around her! Always the kindness! The prettiest, the talented! It was always her!" Akane was screaming and stomping as she let out all her feelings out.

"Mother told me to treat her as my little sister, trust me i've tried! But when Kenna was born everything changed. All i wanted was to bond with her, all i want was my little sister! But goddamn it! It was still her! Kenna choose her over me! She was always the favorite! While i am the biological daughter! I am the first born! But then it didn't matter, as long as i am the heir to the throne i could take all the things i want away from her." Akane laughed like she was an insane woman.

"God,i did whatever mother and father wanted me to do, but alas my best was not enough, i was not Rori. So they decided to make Rori the heir to the throne. Rori tried to refuse, saying that i should be the one taking the throne, but that only made me look so pity. I knew Rori only meant good, but i hated her more." Akane's voice started to shake, her lips were trembling along with her sweating hands, her eyes started to well up in tears.

"Still Akane, Rori was still our Biological sister-"

"She is not our biological sister Kenna! She was just a homeless bitch that mother took in! She was never our sister! She was never part of this family!" Ada's lips were quivering in shell shock as tears run down her face, Naja was also crying. While Aiden and Silas were petrified of those facts, no wonder no one ever visited them inside the castle, no wonder they were left there like prisoners.

"This is not about my mother copulating with an Aranian but because you were jealous of the love and attention which she can easily gain from the people surrounding her, yes i understand your hate towards her but to us? What happened between you and my mom is just between the of you, now if you insist on killing us you leave me no choice but to fight you back." Sera released a read flame from her hand and threw it towards Akane.

Using her power to blast wind was useless, and Aria was still rolling over the floor the white flame still won't go out.

"Tell me Akane," Sera slowly flapped her wings to fly over Akane. Everyone was just silently watching as Sera stopped in front of Akane.

"Were you the person behind my mothers death?" Sera looked directly at Akane's eyes, looking down on her.

"Mom would never do that!" Kane screamed, Harold didn't know what to do. He had witnessed on how Sera was when she is angry, she had almost burned the whole school. He wanted to stop them but he might end up dead before he could even do that.

Akane stayed silent, her face was now full of cold sweat, her hand on a fist as it went cold.

"Shall i assume that your silence means yes?"  Sera said as feathers started to grew from her face, shoulder, hair and knees. Her eyes still burning as her anger started to rise higher.

"Mom, t-tell her!" But Akane just lowered her head and avoided their gaze.

And that was enough to confirm everything. Sera summoned her flames on her right hand and as it danced on her palm the flame begun to form into a sword.

Sera was about to swing her sword towards Akane when a horde of Naraka's entered their room. Sera quickly turned herself into a bird, her feathers moving like flames.

Everyone who saw her animal form gaped.

"Phoenix!" But Sera ignored their screams and flew outside the building, what welcomed her eyes were an ocean of Naraka's attacking the humans. They must have been attracting them, Naraka's are after all feed by human emotions.

"Yes! We shall rule this world!" Still in her animal form Sera flew across the sky looking for someone, and when she actually saw a woman wearing a gold fitted gown her brows knitted.

"Don't eat that one! I'm adding him to my harem!" The Naraka brought the handsome man in front of the woman, his leegs were shaking and it looks like he was about to cry.

So Sera flew as high as she could, and when she thought that it was enough, she opened her bick to sing. Everyone didn't mind the sound of a bird singing but as it goes on hundreds of ball of flames were raining on them, it wasn't just any normal flames. The flames had different colors that can mesmerize you. Blue flames which was burning the Naraka's their screams were mixing with the wonderful voice of the bird singing. Red flames that were burning humans who was about to turn into Naraka. White flames who burns sinful human souls.

Sera only saved the ones who were pure, but she let her white flames enter their bodies, just incase they'll do something.

No, it still wasn't her true powers. She was holding back because of the fear that she might do something reckless.

Meanwhile, the others were fighting i side the building, the Naraka's were swarming trying to reach Akane who was still standing on her place.

"Akane!" Kenna screamed her sisters name as a Naraka attempts to  grab her shoulder, but Caious just simply used his ability to stop time and used his agility to quickly cut off the Naraka's head off. After he was done, he snapped his fingers as time went back to its flow.

Kane and the others didn't even had the chance to kill one of the Naraka's.

"Show off, tsk!" He said as he went to her sisters, Harold follow him not knowing what to do at those kind of situations.

Adamina, Aiden and Silas ran towards the broken wall to take a peek at what was happening outside and they saw chaos.

Sera was at the highest pick of the clouds flying in circle as she was singing. Her feather like flames were like cloths dancing along with her moves. They were amaze at how Sera rain down different colors of flames from the sky.

"Those flames, cloud it be?" Aiden said as he remembered something about a book he read where flames were identified. The red flames were the normal and coolest of all flames, the blue flames were the hottest and is called fire of hell, it is said that it is used to kill a lot of Naraka's and Aranian's in Ardor. Since they were used to the hot temperature of their surrounding their god had provided them a blue flame that's being sealed under the care of a strong demon.

It was rare and was said that it was the only blue flame provided, so to see Sera using them like she was just dropping some pebbles on the lake, Aiden felt his hairs raised from his back.

The white flame, he had read a small information about those. It was the most rarest off all flames as it can burn humans and any other beings souls. He wasn't sure of what it was called but he is sure that, that flame isn't simple and easy as at how he could see it being used by his little sister.

"Remind me not to anger our little Sera," Silas said but his eyes were full of admiration and amazement.

"God i'm so proud of her," Adamina said as her eyes follow Sera's move on the air.

Aiden definitely felt proud but he can't stop himself to feel a little bit scared for the fact that Sera was not just a simple Aranian as their Aunt were assuming, she was worse. Or should he say that Sera could be something more.