Chapter 34

Everyone released a breath of relief as Kenna motioned her hand towards a large house, Kane gently maneuvered the wind around them as they speed up a little to get inside their gates.

"We're landing," he said as he controlled the wind around him for a landing, everyone stood the ground as the wind around them dissappear.

"Be careful," Conall said as he held Pryll by the waist assisting her to balance herself whe she slightly lost her balance.

Pryll's face quickly hit up, as their skin contact, their face was a bit close to each other.

"Ahhem, can you stand?" Conall said a little bit flushed.

"Y-yeah, thanks." As much as Pryll wanted to be near him, she had no choice but to stand and distance herself to Conall.

Conall wanted to converse with the lady, but he stopped himself, there are still a lot of unfinished business that they have to talk about.

Kenna walked ahead of everyone, the maids were nowhere to be found.

"Please come inside, bring the girls on the third floor. Naja please guide them to the rooms." Kenna said as she sat on the sofa to take a rest, she really felt drained of all the things that were happening and she was worried of both Sera and Akane.

Pryll, who was left with the others just stood at a corner not wanting to catch anyones attention, the issues between the families are not yet to be fixed so she had to adjust. She didn't want to cause another uproar for them.

Minutes later, Naja and the others could be seen descending from the staircase.

"I'll be returning at the hotel, i need to check Mistress Sera." Caious said as he walked towards the door to exit, but Cloud stopped him on his arm.

"Let me come with you, i am worried that Mistress Sera  might be seriously injured." Caious nodded his head as an answer and quickly exited the house with Cloud.

Sylvester who was left inside, created a mirror barrier around the house.

"Thank you Sylvester," Kenna said as she massaged her aching head.

"Lady Sera's family is our family," Kane scoffed hearing Sylvester's words.

"Well we certainly are not related with each other, so basically she is not part of our family." He said with a wide erretating grin plastered on his annoying face.

"I was not talking about you, i was talking about Lady Kenna and Lady Naja who had been My lady's family since she was a toddler." Kane glared at him, but he just shrugged his shoulders as if not affected by the murderous aura that Kane was releasing.

"Stop it you two, the Naraka's might feel your emotions and attack us here. Especially you Kane, you saw with your own eyes what happened to your mother." She said as she sighed in stress.

Meanwhile, Caious and Cloud arrived at the hotel and saw the unconscious Sera beside the unconscious Akane whose body was still smoking, Cloud quickly run towards the two and inspected their bodies for injuries.

Cloud saw small blisters on Akane's body and he also saw burns on Sera's body. Cloud felt relieved that Sera only got small burns, but he can't stop himself to feel useless. Among the three of them he was the least to be in action, he was always behind the scenes, but this time he choose to go outside and help.

"I'll carry Sera, take care of Akane." He said and quickly picked Sera from the floor and walked outside of the building, not waiting for Caious answer or approval.

Cloud quickly run back to Kenna's house, using his ability as an Aranian, he had reached the area fast, Caious was following him behind.

Sylvester slightly opened his barrier to let them in, Pryll quickly run towards the door to open it for them. Kenna sprung from the sofa seeing the unconscious state of her sister and niece.

"S-Sera!" Naja run towards Cloud who was holding Sera securely on his arms.

"Is she okay?" Ada quickly went to also check Sera's condition, Silas and Aiden also followed with their face full of worry.

"She is fine, she just had small burns around her body which are not that fatal. Akane is also fine, although i found a lot of blisters on her body. Her condition is fine."

"Cloud," Caious called for his name.

"Excuse us for a moment, we'll bring this two on the rooms." Cloud said as he walked with Caious towards the third floor. Adamina and her brothers followed, Naja also went with them.

"Can you do the honor of cleaning the ladies before i proceed on medicating them? It would be quite rude if a man like me would take advantage of their unconsciousness." Cloud said as he carefully lay Sera on the bed, Caious also did the same to Akane.

Naja and Adamina nodded their heads in unison, the four of them left the room as the ladies proceeded on cleaning the patients.

"I am quite curious on how you guys meet our little sister, can one of you enlighten us?" Silas said as he glanced at the two gentle man.

"Well, lady Sera and i meet when she was on a school trip." Cloud said with a smile, but that smile quickly faded away as the memories of that day flashed inside his mind.

"It was also the day when Sera got the news that her mom died, when we first meet i was still a puppy. She was so happy at that moment, but her eyes were telling me otherwise." A sad smile creeped on his face as the image of Sera crying and venting her feelings out on him played inside his head.

"I know that day we didn't meet on accident, it was meant to happen."

"What do you mean?" Aiden asked, his brows crumpled.

"I am sorry but i am not the right person to answer your questions," he said bowing his head as an apology.

Aiden sighed in understanding.

"Tsk," was the only word that escaped his mouth.

"How about you? How did you meet our little Sera?" Aiden asked Caious next.

Caious stood straight as he answered Aiden's question.

"We meet at a park, i was badly injured that day and i was very hungry. I was not in my best mood to interact with anyone that day, so when she approached me i growled at her i even almost bit her hand off." Caious flashed a weak smile in front of them.

"After that, lady Sera left. But before walking back she left her buns in front of me and said that i was strong for not giving up on my life amidst the hardships that i have meet. No that day was not an accidental met just like Cloud's i was there because someone told me, but a long that was me imprinting on her." Aiden's and Silas brows raised.

"How about that other guy? The one who looked like a butler?" Silas asked still throwing sharp glares at Caious.

"Sylvester, was the black cat Lady Rori had rescued before she died. Lady Kenna took him with her in hopes to cheer Sera, because she was very fond of animals." Cloud explained as he kicked his feet on the air.

"Lady Sera, didn't blamed or pointed fingers at him even after knowing that Sylvester was the reason why her mother died, instead she took him, us in and treated us like family." Aiden and Silas felt guilty for not looking for their sister and mother when they had left the palace, but their guilts would never be enough to pay all the time and lives that they had lost.

The hallway fell in silence for a minute, the door to the room opened and showed Naja's face.

"They're done." She said and let the men enter the room, Silas and Aiden quickly went to where Ada was seating and took a peek on Sera's face.

"I'm sorry but i will need to ask everyone to leave the room for a while, i need to use my power to relax their bodies to make them sleep peacefully and then apply meds one by one." Everyone looked at him suspiciously, but nodded their heads.

"If you need some help, i could offer you my help. Just call me outside the room." Ada said before leaving the room along with everyone else.

The moment the door was closed Cloud quietly went beside Sera's bed and caressed her face, softly.

"I want to be of use to you my lady, please tell me on how i could help you fight. I want to fight along side with you, i don't want to stand a side and watch you fight along with Caious and Sylvester, i also want to protect you." With that he leaned in to land a soft kiss on Sera's lips.

Cloud slowly opened his eyes as he straightened his body again, only to see Sera's eyes wide open, looking at him.

"You don't need to be strong to protect me Cloud," she said still laying on the bed, her voice crack.

"You just need to take courage and fight for what you want to protect." Cloud couldn't take it anymore, he quickly deeped his head and claimed Sera's lips again. His hands softly cupping Sera's frail face.

Sera avoided his kiss as she was out of breath, Cloud on the other hand wanted to make it deeper but stopped himself because of Sera's condition.

"I'll be using my ability to relax your bodies and nerves, please lay down and close your eyes." Cloud stood up from the chair, Sera also closed her eyes as Cloud started to use his Magique.

Later on Sera was again deep in sleep, as Cloud walked out of the room after finishing treating them.

Naja and Ada rushed over him and asked him several questions about the conditions of everyone inside, but Cloud only answered them with yes and no.

Meanwhile, Pryll felt a little weak. So she decided to went inside the nearest bathroom and changed herself into her cat form, wagging her tail elegantly. Pryll went out the bathroom by using the window and walked back inside on the front door.

Pryll was just silently and stealthly entering the living room when a large set of hands caught her by the waist and carried her on its arms, Pryll wriggled and scratched the intruder but then stopped when it scratched her chin and the back of her neck.

Pryll purred and also rubbed her head on the intruders hand. The man chuckled in amusement, making her halt.

"Do you live here? Little cinnamon roll?" Pryll quickly snapped her neck towards the man and saw Conall's face so close to her.

"You're so cute~"


Pryll quickly pushed Conall's face using her little paws and run towards the staircase, but Conall run after her.

"Wait!" Pryll hissed at him, while running but Conall just laughed.

Running with all her might, Pryll had finally reached Naja's room and she quickly turned herself back to her human form and closed the door, but a hand stopped her from closing it halfway.

"W-what are you doing?! Let go!" She screamed as she hides herself behind the door.

"Y-you, w-where"

"Let go! This is invading of privacy!" But Conall won't let go of the door, instead he pushed the door open. Still catching for his breath Conall traveled his eyes around the room looking for a ginger cat, but he saw nothing but the woman she had seen earlier.

"You didn't see any cat entered here?" Pryll quickly shook her head as an answer.

"Ghad, did my eyes just miss looked? Oh well, i'll be leaving you here then miss?"


"Miss Pryll, my name's Conall." He offered his hand to her for a hand shake but Pryll didn't took it.

Conall took his hand back and scratched his nape in embarrassment.

"Bye then," he said and walked outside the room.

Pryll was about to close the door again when Conall said something to make her blush.

"Your hair looks nice by the way, they remind me of my favorite food."

"What is your favorite food?" Conall smiled at her and answered.

"Cinnamon rolls,"