Chapter 38

Naja gasped at the realization by what Caious said.

"You mean, the temple where we had our school trip? That old Japanese temple?"

"Yes, he stays there every now and then. Me, Cloud and Sylvester always went there on our free time to report the current affairs and changes that is happening to Sera."

"Wait, you're telling me that all this time, Sera's father was at a shabby temple all along?" Silas hissed, he was mad. Sera had been living alone on her own for almost a year and his father was just doing nothing but sit at some shabby old Japanese temple? Ha!

"Watch your mouth boy, Sera's father is not what you think he is. You might wanna think twice before opening that mouth of yours again. Your lucky, Sera's your brother, if not. Your head might be rolling on the cold dirty ground by now." He said his eyes sending glares.

Everyone went silent at his words as they continue to ran out of the forest.

THE WHOLE living room boomed as they opened the door with haste, Aiden quickly closed the the door and locked it as Naja went down from Giffin.

Collan was the first to see them return.

"Are you guys okay? Where's Sera?" He noticed Sylvester being held by its collar unconscious, and Caious was not at all gentle with him.

"What happened to him?" He asked in confusion.

"Cloud," Caious called out, Cloud appeared in front of them within a blink.

"Traitor, tie him." He said and throw Sylvester's unconscious body on the cold tiled floor.

Cloud quickly get what he meant and, quickly used his magique to cover half of Sylvester's boy with ice, attached to the floor.

"What do you mean traitor? Sylvester?" Collan asked very confused.

"He confessed, to Sera that he was the one who actually killed her mother and was also the one who stabbed Mina with a dagger laced in poison." Naja said her face filled with anger and sadness.

Aiden's hands balled into a fist in anger, his body shaking with his emotions trying to get out of his chest, but he held them close.

Silas was also shaking in anger, Sylvester almost killed his sister Mina and now his other sister was going berserk for knowing that one of her trusted men was also the one who killed her mother.

Dismissing their feelings, Aiden looked at Caious.

"Now tell us about this Seraphim, and about Sera's father." He said walking towards the nearest sofa and seating on it.

Silas, Naja and Griffin followed him and seated on the other sofas beside him. Caious cleared his throat.

"Seraphim are considered one of the highest orders of angels, often depicted as having six wings and surrounding the throne of God. The term "seraphim" is derived from the Hebrew word "seraph," which means "burning ones," possibly representing their fervent love and devotion to God—"

"W-w-wait! Are you saying that Sera is an angel? That's to holy of a title for her, although she is nice, kind and all but—" Naja said cringing.

"She is, but she's a different one since she was born between an Aranian and a God—" Caious words were once again.

"A God?!" They all asked in unison, Pryll who just arrived and heard of the conversation also joined in, in shock.

"Sera's father is a God? Who?" Caious looked at Cloud, Cloud shocked his head to disagree.

"I'm sorry but we made a promise not to tell his identity," Cloud said stepping in the conversation.

"Then why did Sera made her final form? It couldn't be because of her burning fury and vengeance is it? As far as I know Seraphim's are angels who are deeply devoted and worships God." Naja added.

"As I've said, Sera is different since she is born between an Aranian and a God, she may look the same with the other seraphim's but she wields three flames, which is the inferno, hells flame and holy flames. Do you remember Quinn? The one who helped her save Akane? She's a Seraphim same as Sera. Born between an Aranian and a God, but a normal Seraphim can only use the holy flames, which is being fueled by their devotion and love towards God."

"Quinn? The one who burned Akane?" Caious nodded.

"Yes, they are not particularly sisters by blood, but because they are both a Seraphim." Caious explained.

"If they are both Seraphim's then why is Sera emitting a red flame and Quinn blue?" Caious shocked his head, saying that he doesn't know why.

Everyone went into silence as they let everything Caious had explained to them sink in, into their heads.

Thinking that all this time, they were talking and even dared to fight with a celestial being such as a Seraphim, their body shivered as cold ran down their spines. A being who is able to wield the three most dangerous flames.

"We'll be going to the temple later at night, Griffin you'll be coming with us." Cloud said as he went up to the rooms to check on Adamina.

"Can I also come?" Naja, asked. She wanted to ask some questions to Sera's father as well.

"No Naja, it might get dangerous out there, you will remain here where it is safe." Griffin protested, he didn't want her only sister to be in danger, he understood the concern that Naja was feeling for Sera, but it might put her in a worst possible position.

"But you'll be there right? You will protect me? Don't you love me anymore?" She gave him a puppy dog eyes and she pouted her lips at him.

Griffin who was taken a back of her sister's cuteness covered his face as he blushed, his nose slowly bleeds as he nodded his head in defeat.

WE'RE HERE Kenna announced as she gets off the car, they all looked at the massive 'Torii' in front of them. A head of it is the hundred step staircase that seemed to be thousands on Naja's eyes.

"You both be careful up there," Kenna said with a bit of worry on her voice, she gave a look on her son Griffin and he quickly nodded his head in understanding.

"Don't worry mom, I won't let anything happen to Naja." Kenna just nodded her head and quickly went back unto her car and went back to their house.

Naja slumped herself on the cold rough ground as she pants.

"Naja you shouldn't slump on the cold ground, especially that your exhausted your lungs might give up on you even quickly, come on now. Get up and slowly take some deep breaths." Griffin offered his hand to his sister and gently pulled her up from the ground.

They were now at the top of the hundred step staircase where the temple was located, Naja didn't noticed the first time they went there but the temple was surrounded with pretty large trees, two— no three times bigger than the ordinary trees that they normally see everyday.

And at the center of it was a small old temple, and again she didn't notice the pond on the left side of the temple, the first time they went there. It was a bit misty at the temple, and she didn't know why but it sent shivers down her spine.

"Quick! We don't have much time," Cloud said a bit in a hurry.

"'His' not here," said a man's voice inside the temple.

Caious unsheathes his katana, Cloud also summoned his ice spears while Griffin held her close, the mist thickening around the temple even more.

"Who are you?" Caious asked,

The 'shoji' slowly opened, revealing the shadow of a man inside seating in front of them facing their direction.

"How rude of you," he said as he got up from the floor. Suddenly, the air became heavy as the wind blew on their skin carrying coldness in them, the already dark atmosphere became pitch black as thick black clouds begun to cover the moon that was only giving them light.

Thunder rumbles and the ground shakes in unison,

"You dare unsheath your weapons in the holy house of a divine God!" The sky roared in anger, Naja covered her ears and closed her eyes as a lightning hit the ground, where Caious and Cloud was standing.

The man raised his hand and was about to hit another lightning on them when a woman's voice echoed within the forest.


