008: Seeing Red

Very few people can say that they understood the ways of the world, but this world; Planet Evergreen understood it's laws quite well, and nature was all too willing to uphold it. And simply put, those laws fell along the lines of life that's not fair, and the strong devoured the weak, and if you didn't have enough power then there was only so much you could or would ever be able to achieve. There were screams of pain and shock as chaos reigned supreme around Divyat, the winter stag took the fight to the disciples of the Rizal Sect, focusing mainly on its bloody emperor/Sect master who was trying as hard as he could to get away from the nature spirit he had just enraged.

But the winter stag was not willing to let the sect master go, even at the detriment to itself, it kept on fighting, moving through extremely debilitating injuries and unceremoniously slaying anyone or anything that got in it's way. And the sect master did put a lot of obstacles between himself and the nature spirit, mainly as it was, the members of his sect who had caught up to and attacked Nivgyat that ended up in the path of the enraged legendary beast. Frozen corpses, minced up bodies, gored forms were all around Divyat as the emperor desperately tried to escape with his life. The man in the Elemental Manifestation stage had already ran away a lot earlier with three others, and the final person of their 12 man squad was just smashed to pieces after his entire body had just been smashed to pieces.

Divyat still ignored the fight as his fingers wrapped around his brother's treasured sword, and he despondently made his way towards his body, his eyes blank and his spirit broken. He hiccupped as tears slid down his face, before coming to a stop before his brother's body. Nivgyat's eyes were vacant, staring up into nothingness as all life was gone from him, all he had left behind was a horrified little brother who felt like a coward above all others. Perhaps things would have been different if he had stood up for his brother, if he had not been so afraid maybe they would have been able to fight off their assailants. Why? Why? He couldn't move, it was almost hard enough to breathe in that moment and yet he could watch, and his eyes were ever glued to the form of his brother as he was beaten and battered by heartless invaders.

He was a coward, he was a coward, HE WAS A COWARD! He was absolutely not worthy of being a brother to Nivgyat, but even at that why? What was the use?It made no sense as it was Nivgyat who had made them run away in the first place, life was important, living was important. As they ran Nivgyat kept making sure the idea was stuck in Divyat's head, a manner or rather a way for him to calm down and not feel so guilty about leaving all the people they loved behind. But still, he had gone up against odds he had no way of beating, he had fought against a person that did not give a shit about him, and he knew they were going to kill him, he knew if he didn't stop all that waited for them on the other end of the rope was death, he knew it was hopeless but still he pushed on.

"Why God Damnit! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why!"

Divyat was lost in his rage, his pain and anger driving him into a panic state as he swung the sword in his hand wildly, left, right, upward, and downwards into his brother's body. He paused, shocked as how easily the sword had bitten into the side of Nivgyat's skull. Horrified and shocked for a moment he took shuddering breath, and then the anger slammed back into him in fully force. Nivgyat said he wanted to protect him, the best way his fucking brother could have done that was to remain alive, it was to keep his head down and be smart, as long as there was life there would be a chance to escape, a chance to live better for another day, instead the bastard went ahead and developed a pride when it was not required, and in so doing left him behind in this world all alone.

"Fuck you! Why! Why! Why! Why! Why!"

This time Divyat went at it with more force, his rage and anger directed at his brother as he brought the sword down, again and again. His panic episode catching the attention of the emperor, the source of all his misfortune as he had ran out of bodies to throw at the winter stag. The Emperor ran towards Divyat and placed his hand on his shoulders, about to throw the young boy in the direction of the nature spirit, to at least buy himself some more time to think and escape. However Divyat was too far gone, and whether it was by providence or luck, the young cultivator turned around in his rage and swung the sword in his hand, right at the part of the Emperor's body that was frozen solid. He smashed through his arm and sliced halfway through his waist until ice gave way to flesh and blood, removing the emperor's arm from above the elbow as the winter swag came forward and used it's massive head to smash the emperor to the side, creating a Sonic boom in the process as he was flung dozens if not hundreds of meters away.

But the hands of providence and simple coincidence was not yet done making moves in the life of Divyat. He was still driven by his grief, his pain that had all but turned into a blind rage. All Divyat could see was red, which was why even as the emperor was thrown far away, he didn't stop to consider how it was possible he could still feel flesh, or why the blood spurting on his was colder than anything he could have ever imagined. He didn't stop though, he just kept on swinging. When the emperor had been pushed away, the Winter stag had let down it's guard, and with severe amount of injuries it had, even with it's extremely high cultivation, it was not able to react in time as Divyat's sword went through it's throat.

And the shock from being hurt, made it unable to react in time, until the sixth cut came, but by then it was already too late. Divyat had already cut through it's vital vein; the part of it's body that held it's life-force and power, it's connection to nature and the elements, the direct pathway to it's spirit root. There was a loud thud as the winter stag collapsed to the ground, and the sword in Divyat's hand flew off, having overextended and the slickness of blood in his hand causing the blade to escape his grasp until it stabbed deep into the body of a charred tree. Still within the throes of his anger he turned to the left quickly spying the bow he and Nivgyat had brought along, before picking it up and turning, ready to smash it into whatever enemy was left. But there were none.

Divyat blinked, and looked around at the carnage around him, there were bodies all around him, but none more shocking that that of the 15 foot tall stag in front of him. For the first time since the time back when he was ten, Divyat got a much closer look at the stag. It's coat was white, whiter than snow if such a thing was possible. But on its body were flowing sigils of green, gold, grey and blue. It's elaborate antlers were like a tree with multiple branches with extremely sharpened edges and it was crystal clear, seemingly made of the most precious mineral in existence. The fangs in it's mouth stretched out of it's upper jaw and they were the size of longswords and had sigils of their own etched into them and flowing with power. From behind it's antlers, on its head a flowing mane of white fur stained deeply with blood was splayed onto the ground behind it's head, and as Divyat got close, his rage dying away his eyes met the eyes of the Winter Stag and fear jolted through him, prompting him to take step back, falling onto his ass in shock. And then much to his extreme shock, an event he had never thought would happen or was possible took place…. He heard a voice; the Stag's voice, and it said to him with way more power than anything Divyat has ever seen or felt, even from the meteor that destroyed their sect.

"Finish it!"