039: Killer Mindset

The ensuing result of Fang Bin's option to the rest of the competitors pretty much shocked Divyat. The demi-human and Demon races were predictable, it was also one of the many reason why they were almost wiped out and pushed into the Ghadovara Mountains. At any given situation, you could expect them to act a certain way and 99% of the time they would never disappoint. This was a race of people that respected strength above all, they believed that the strength of the collective was in falling under the banner of the strong, and unlike humans who would keep fighting even when a situation seems hopeless, demons and demi-humans would accept their reality and bow to the greater power.

And it was not because they were giving up, no; rather it was because they had recognition of that strength and believed it was the natural way of things for them to bow to that power. The surrender was almost unanimous, with only a dozen people choosing to fight, and amongst that dozen only two of them had any sigils. Even with his tiredness in place, Divyat made short work of all of them, however, he and Fang Bin had a rather weird conversation before he fought them. She had asked him to be as ruthless as possible, to not even show mercy, which was the complete opposite of what he had intended to do.

With all of the surrender going around, by this point he felt it would have been better to just beat them all into the ground. Divyat would not admit it, or rather he already did admit it. But that was just a speech made with empty boasts and threat, but ultimately he was tired of the deaths. Of all the killing he has had to partake since he started this bloody trial. So he was just going to beat them down and move on, but fang Bin had made sure he made a deadly and bloody statement, he didn't need to, but she had already promised death as punishment for those who would not submit to Divyat.

In a way she sort of became his mouthpiece, his own enforcer, at least for the duration of this bloody trial. Divyat wasn't so sure what to make of it, he got the feeling that she was manipulating him, driving him towards a certain direction that perfectly suited her needs, the only thing that didn't make him call her out or put her down in front of everyone else was the fact that everything that she was doing was to his own advantage. So it wasn't as bad, as in the end he still got what he wanted and as a bonus seemed to cement his image and power amongst the competitor on their or rather 'his' cluster.

But beyond that came the final caveat to doing as she said. And while he did do it, taking a dozen lives in rapid succession, it was the feeling that came after that he wasn't so sure of. Because, for the first time, this didn't feel like a fight he was pushed into. This wasn't a fight to stop fighting or a fight to survive…. It was a fight to prove his superiority and power, a fight to eliminate any notion of weakness from himself. And honestly it made him giddy, he felt happy, complete, all up to the point that as he ripped limbs and froze blood, he was smiling. He enjoyed every single second of the fight against the twelve. The maniac grin on his cold face was quite unsettling for a lot of people, but it gave him joy and focus, and pleasure.

For the first time in the two months since he lost everything, Divyat was at peace, there was nothing to question, nothing to worry about, but above all he was not weak. This time he was not the one who was afraid and struggling to be alive…. This time he was the one people were afraid of. And with the lack of people who love him and who he loves in his life, having others who feared him was the next best thing…. In fact it was the best thing. Their fears as he snuffed the life out of their eyes was intoxicating, it put him on a high that only those with blackest of hearts and the most broken of minds could ever feel. Divyat came to a conclusion that while he had suspected it, he just did not want to agree about it.

Because ultimately when he thought about it, all of the killings that had come to be by his hand, he had tried to convince himself that it was because he didn't have a choice, that it was because he had to meet Cao Man's expectations of him and whatnot. But ultimately in this moment, Divyat realized the truth. Whether or not that bloody naga had planted a fucking curse in his heart, it would never have mattered. The fall of the Divine Sky Dao sect had changed Divyat, but that was expected, the death of his brother however, was a weakling caught in the middle of a fight between two colossal forces. He had no say in how his life would end, and then he-he-Divyat lost his mind and hacked his own brother to pieces.

The fear, adrenaline and pain he was feeling at that moment had unlocked a penchant for violence that had just been slumbering in one very deep dark corner of Divyat's mind. And now he understood himself, and while some part of him, the nerdy hopeful kid who wanted nothing more than to go past the Qi condensation realm and achieve the heights of real power. That kid was disgusted with all of his actions and argued that there could have been a better more different way. But Divyat, the boy… no! the man that he has become right now, the apprentice bandit king standing in front of a small army of demons and demi-humans, knew without a shadow of the doubt, that he; Divyat…. Just loved to kill shit! And now that he has discovered that part of himself….. He was going to go ahead and kill some more.