044: A Drink With A Devil

Divyat watched everything from a hidden perch on the ramparts of his own fortress. The twins were with him, and when the Ashura started her slaughter, they almost jumped off in an attempt to go save Fang Bin, but Divyat stretched out a hand and kept them in place, forcing them to watch as the Ashura conjured a whip that looked more like the spine of some animal, or perhaps it was just designed that way. One flick of it had torn a full grown person in two. But it was not just the force or power, the sheer heat coming off of it was so intense that the others who weren't attacked by the whip directly had already been scalded.

The Ashura paused, huffed and flung her whip towards the back of a fleeing Naga, then spun around creating a whirling of flames that blasted outwards, smashing bandit lords back into each other and into other trial takers. Fang Bin had already given the Ashura a wide berth, but even from here Divyat noticed that she wasn't paying any attention to the Lamia. She was immensely powerful as she did not even dodge a wild charge from a minotaur, standing her ground as he threw a wild haymaker to the side of her jaw. Her head just shifted to the side a bit, before she turned back to look at the wide eyed cow demon. Her foot flashed forwards leaving a hole in his chest as he rumpled to the ground, dead.

A halberd came for her, but she took two steps backwards and held the whip with both hands. She used it to intercept the next swing, tying up the weapon and pulling it close, letting it pass under her armpit as it's wielder was drawn close to her. Her palm splayed open as she smashed it forwards into his chest. There was a loud thud as a small shockwave was released, and then it was quickly followed by another, accompanied by displacement in the air that was ringed with cinders. All in all, there were four shockwaves, and by the time it was over, all that was left behind was a burnt husk of a person.

She swung the whip over her head, cracking it on the ground with enough force to leave cracks in the earth. She swung it again, this time with startling accuracy as the head of someone was blasted open, and then another, one she even sheared through her forearms as she attempted to defend herself from the strike., and then the second strike proceeded to rip her in half, putting an end to her assault as everyone else was left wondering and watching. She cracked the whip one more time before it quickly vanished into the air, she ignored all of the gaze on her person and looked down on her right forearm.

There in bright golden ink was a new tattoo, however it was not in the same black ink as the others, neither did it have specific highlights of color to depict it as the sigil of an Apprentice Bandit Queen. This made Divyat look down at his own forearm where another tattoo laid, a stark contrast to the previous he had given to Fang Bin. It was gold at the edges but a crystalline formation that made Divyat reason it either depicted platinum or a diamond. But be that as it may, both he and the Ashura's sigil shared something in common…. The tattoo had stretched down into their palms to leave flowing scripts that were actually moving like the sigil scripts in a formation or talisman. And this scrip Divyat could actually read, and it read.

[Apprentice Bandit High King]

The Ashura gave herself a nod of satisfaction before turning to look at her escorts, they had wisely given her a good enough distance, but even that was not enough to save them from the splash damage of her attacks. She furrowed her eyebrows in thought, then shrugged, before turning around to face Fang Bin. She was the only bandit lord left alive, and with the way the Ashura was looking at her, it was obvious she was considering or was about to make Fang Bin her next target. The twins did not stand on ceremony as they quickly jumped down to stand beside the very terrified Fang Bin.

"Do you think the likes of you would be able to stop me if I want to take your lives? Don't be daft children, get out of my way." She said as she took a step forward, while Lian Rae and Lian Reed took a couple of steps backwards, making sure to drag fang Bin along with them.

Their fears were palpable, it was obvious and naked, exposed to the eyes of everyone around. And with it was the obvious plea for help, the twins kept looking back to the top of the ramparts, looking at Divyat and hoping he would intervene, but all he did was sit there and watched. In Divyat's defense everything felt slow to him, his emotions and his will to even act out in defense of Fang Bin, he just felt so lazy to get up and act on her behalf.

"Divyat! Lord Divyat! Please! I did as you asked! I did what you asked! I…"

Her words were cut short as the Ashura jumped up, completely ignoring her as she went to the top of the rampart, crossing a 20 meter height in the blink of an eye. To the others it seemed seamless, but Divyat noticed her pushing off the wall to give herself some extra force….he guessed she was not as powerful as she looked, but even that she was better than him, after all he needed a rope to make his move to the top of it.

She looked at him from head to toe, her red hair blazing in the mid afternoon to evening sun, while Divyat looked back at her with an impassive look on his face. Suddenly she sat down and brought out a jar out of thin air, following behind it were two porcelain bowls. She threw one to Divyat who caught it with a surprised look on his face as she said.

"Boss man! Share a drink with me!" and Divyat replied, amusement all over his face.
