072: Robbery

Divyat and his team found their way into a tent where a pair of lovers had taken refuge. Luckily for them, the tent itself seemed to be the place where the empire had kept most of the supplies. There were barrels upon barrels and case upon cases. Divyat had no idea what was in them, but they looked important to say the least.

"Hello my dears, forgive mine and my fellow's intrusion on your camp this fine evening. We will just get what we came here for and we will be out of your hair before you know it. So please my dears, cooperate with me, and nobody try to be a hero and everyone gets to live to see another miserable human sunrise…. You have my word. Kane go get the saddlebags."

"Yes boss!" Kane responded as e quickly left the tent to call the sabre tooth wolves were they were busy tearing apart a few hapless people.