084: Rituals

Divyat let out a startled Gasp of pain as Boto drove what seemed to be black spike into his chest, he let loose a roar of pain that shook the entire forest. His team moved to help, but Boto slapped a paper talisman on the ground, creating a barrier of sigils that they couldn't get past.

"Oh don't worry children! Soon I will be dealing with the rest of you." Boto said to them as he ripped open Divyat's shirt and began to draw allover his skin with black dagger, wrapped around the hilt with a red cloth.

Divyat grunted in pain as Boto started making cuts over his skin, shocking him and pretty much everyone else here as the cuts did not even heal right back. It was even worse as Divyat felt as if his entire limbs were made of cement. Whatever that black spike was, it had completely paralyzed him, even speaking was a chore and all he could do was let loose grunts of pain.