086: More Power

Divyat came to, the sound of crackling wood and the scent of flames filling the air. The night sky above was bright, the early vestiges of dawn peaking out from the curtain of darkness beyond the horizon. Nothing ached, but Divyat felt hollow, he felt defiled, like he had come in contact with something unnatural.

He ignored everything else and took a quick look into himself, noticing with alarm the stream of black Qi going up and down his channels, it would even come to a stop in some of his meridians and try to multiply.

But every time it did that, the meridians seemed to fight back, releasing blasts of icy Qi to shred it to pieces or keep it contained. But every time that was about to happen the Black qi would escape into his Qi stream again, roaming the channels before finding another meridian to settle down, and the entire situation will repeat itself once again.