089: Train Heist II

Yana flung her hand axe into the coach, the weapon flying head over end to bite into the chest of a woman that was dressed in the robes of the Rizal empires sect disciples. Making this next altercation a step above what they have been facing from the first coach. Multiple blasts of Qi headed in their direction, but they stepped out of the coach and his behind the doors as the Qi flew over them.

A cute white rabbit ran into the coach, shocking the people in it as it more from one seat to the next, going through legs to end up in the middle of the soldiers and disciples. And then with a small pop, Yao-Yao transformed into his battle form, his form spinning in the air as he sliced of heads and necks in one fell swoop, one of which was the person that had put a crossbow bolt into Divyat's head.