097: Unexpected Development

Their journey to the coast was not an uneventful as they had expected and wanted it to be, they still robbed two more villages and a town, by this point the loot they handing the saddle bags had filled the spatial tool to the point of bursting. And while Di get was sure most of what was in there were just basic, and not really that valuable, it was still a shit ton of stuff, and then there was the spatial bags he had taken from the princess and her guards.


Even up to now, Divyat and his team have not gotten around to finding out exactly what they had swiped. But as soon as the threat of the empire chasing after them has be neutralized, Divyat and his team would sort through everything as soon as possible, but for now the only thing they could do was to keep moving onwards. Either way, their journey to the coast was carried out on time even though they had made few pit stopsalong the way.