108: Yukon Gumon III

Kane spat out a mouthful of blood as he grined hard at the twelve foot tall bear in front of him. The horns on the ursine's head spotted blood that had both dried off or was ready fresh. The battle between this two has been going on for the better part of a day now.

"You should give up Kid, you can not beat me in my own forest." The best spoke, it's deep voice so powerful it sent tremors through Kane's body, but the werewolf loved a challenge, it was the only way to truly prove just how much stronger you have become.

"If I can't beat you in your own forest then I think if would be better to just…. Take the forest from you… now fight me!." Make rushed forwards, his form a blur as he crashed into the .midriff of the bear, bowling it over as they got tangled up in a heap of fur, fangs and claws.