122: Bandit King Ice Canon: 3rd Scripture: Bagua 8 Trigrams Sword Technique

Divyat still let them make the first move as the other group rushed at them. He rushed forwards, his sword dancing through the air as his team went for the kill. The first person to meet his swing was the tree demon, smashing 8nto he sword as wood chips, back and leaves fell to the ground.

Divyat ducked under a wild swing and stretched forth his palm as he blasted out a wave of frost that Froze a satyr that was in the air, jumping towards him. Much to the shock of quite an few people, the state crashed 5o the ground, it's frozen body breaking into a million pieces, as Divyat ducked and infused his sword with Qi then swung it from top to bottom, releasing a wave of ice Qi that surged forwards, feeding everything it came in contact with.