142: Power Play

 Divyat was not being overly arrogant, he had actually done his homework before getting here, enough to understand that the current Dai clan, did not have as much power as they were supposed to, and this was because 28 years ago, almost all of their powerhouses had left for the infernal realms, it was two years later that the then princess of the clan, Dai Mei's own mother, had come back nursing a toddler with incredible power.

That toddler had been Dai Mei, born to an infernal just as her elder brother. She became a contender for the seat of the next clan head. Either way, her elder brother had grown up spoilt and entitled and seemed to think that the entire world should revolve around himself. With each year that passed, his sister grew in power and beauty, so much so that she was already in the elemental manifestation realm by the time she was 13.