149: The Cradle III

  His very presence alone was almost so all encompassing, yet at the same time it was almost as if he was made of something else other than qi. And that was what was really making Divyat extremely confused. The presence of this Celestial was all over the place, yet there was barely if any qi at all to be felt, it made Divyat feel a sense of wrongness that he just couldn't put a finger on.

"Zhurong…. The fire celestial and smith of the heavens.  My brother… where is he? You say he is a friend of yours." Divyat nodded his head, and then raised his head to look around a bit, but all he could see, all that encompassed his vision was the celestial in front of him. at a closer look on what he was seeing, Divyat could see that he was male, had golden skin very much like Zhurong, but at a much more deeper shade, and he too had flowing scripts on his body, along with tattoos, but ones that were vastly different from what Zhurong had on his.