Chapter 3

Charlotte's Section

I didn't want to admit that I could love, but when she looks at me all I want is her hands on me, what does it mean? Her eyes always follow me and I desire to be drowned in them.

To be consumed by the lust I feel.

But this is all a power play, we're both just chess pieces to be moved and placed where need be. This is not love. I'm fine with that.


Sitting in Akira's lap and bearing my neck was not how I expected this meeting to end, But I knew that Kaleb would never agree to the alliance unless I was marked. So I climbed on her lap and told her to mark me, she refused at first, asking if I was sure, but eventually she gave in. Her eyes darkened, going from brown to black in a second. Canines sliding out and gently pressing against my skin, her eyes meeting mine for a moment finally... Charise said, it seemed like I had been waiting for this moment. I steadied myself on her lap and braced myself for the pain, It still took me by surprise when her fangs dug into my skin, blood dripping down my shoulder, then I felt her tongue against the wound. "W...what" I asked, Akira let out a shaky breath and showed me. "A black Queen..." she said slowly, I looked at her shoulder and saw a black king in the same place. Akira continued to lick my Mark even after it had stopped bleeding, to the point where I realized it wasn't due to blood anymore.

"A...Akira-" I started to ask when I felt her pull me closer, one of her hands snaked up my shirt and she buried her face in my shoulder.

"Akira!" I shouted, she snapped out of trance and helped me off her lap. "Well now we're mates..." Akira said sheepishly, obviously embarrassed about how she lost control.

But I wanted it

No I didn't

I checked and yep, I was horny because of this, I brushed it off. Marks indicate a lot, and now she could sense my emotions, I kept my head quiet and walked back to my- our bedroom.

Meanwhile Akira sat there with a confused look on her face.


"Kai!" I shouted, jumping and enveloping him in a hug, Amelia snarled at me, I jumped back.

"You smell like...her" Amelia said, she put a hand to my neck and touched my mark.

"SHE MARKED YOU?" Amelia shouted, her hands flying everywhere. "Amelia calm down, they're mates. And that's not what we're here for." Kai said, Amelia smiled and placed a hand on her stomach, "I'm pregnant" she said, I smiled brightly and happiness was blasting from me, causing Akira to contact me

'Why are you so happy?'

'Amelia's Pregnant!'

'That's great..'

I heard a little pain in her voice, she had been neck deep in relations with the other packs for days and now she was doing paperwork she fell behind on. It's obvious she wanted pups, every alpha does.

But She doesn't need pups to be happy

But I wanted pups too

I can't deny that this whole mate business is gonna hurt me.

But somehow seeing her brown eyes made me smile, and I imagined a smaller pair of them following me around calling me mom, I completely forgot that she could still see my thoughts and I blocked her.

No need to torture her.

"So sister, what's it like being here?" Kai asked, his hand protectively on Amelia's stomach.

"Fine." I said, my anger boiling up.

All my life he'd gotten the upper hand, he was the alpha, he got the family, he got everything.

Then here he was, gloating about his Blind mate and his baby on the way.

My feelings must have reached Akira because she was there in a second, holding my hands.

"Kai. Congratulations." She said curtly, He nodded and I put on a fake smile.

Akira tilted her head and looked at me with concern, she tried to contact me through mate bond but I blocked it.

Talk to your mate


She cares

No she doesn't, she just doesn't like feeling this. I excused myself and went to the bathroom.



My thoughts spun around this and I slid to the floor. He deserves it! What have I done?

I did everything! I was the one who introduced him to Amelia!

And? They're destined to be together!

He doesn't need you.

Stop trying to be better.

My brain was spinning as my Thoughts cut me. I held my hands to my head and started crying.

"Charlotte? Open the door." I heard Akira say, I ignored it and continued crying.

I didn't need the reminder of my misfortune in my face. Kai getting everything and me being forced to stand behind him and smile.

"If you don't open this door I'm breaking it down, I can feel your distress, please." Akira said, her voice tinted with desperation.

"Go away Akira...You don't want this" I said, my voice choked up, I heard the sound of hinges breaking and I lifted my head to see a very pissed alpha holding a broken door.

I flinched and expected a hit, instead I was enveloped by warmth. Strong hands lifted me up and placed me on the bed, I felt her wrap me in a hug.

"Don't you ever tell me what I want again"

"Yes Alpha."

"And don't block me out ever again"

"Yes Alpha"

"Call me Akira." She said, her brown eyes gazing into mine, I returned the gaze

"Okay Akira..." I said, I felt my tears return fresh as I buried my head in her chest, she simply sat there and held me through my sobs.

Her hands running through my hair as she whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

My tears started to dry up as I leaned into her chest and closed my eyes, sleep waited to claim me as I breathed in her scent, I barely noticed the salty tears coming down her own face.

"Charlotte...why are you so hurt..." she whispered, that was the last thing I heard before sleep claimed me.