Chapter 13

(Charlotte's section)

Shame and loathing were the only emotions I could comprehend, Vee seemed to understand which made me question her motives, she knew I couldn't be with her, but she kissed me anyway. My mind swirled with intrusive thoughts and worrying fantasies, my only wish had been that Akira would be with me again, but now I was confused, maybe staying with Vee was better.

My heart nearly broke under the strain of these conflicting feelings.

"Worried?" a haunting voice came from the window, I pushed down my black blankets and stared at the man in the window, his face was drawn and golden eyes cut through the dark "Theseus," I said, I wondered where I got that from, I probed my memory only finding scraps that evaded my questions. "The Greek hero who slew the minotaur, my code name, don't get up I won't stay for long," he said the last part when he saw me getting up.

"You don't remember me, but I remember your grandfather," He said, a sick smile rested on his face as he gestured to the horrible scars on his neck. "Go to your grandfather's estate, Orpheus will help you further... and bring the Leech." Theseus finished his statement and I tried to get up only to see a bunch of leaves fly at him and he disappeared.

I opened my eyes to an open window and a room filled with leaves, I closed it carefully "What the hell happened here?" Vee asked from behind me, making me jump. "Um...Nothing! Just...get dressed!" I evaded her questions and pushed her out of the room. grabbing a scarf and getting dressed I started to leave the room when I heard the phone ring.

I gazed at the ringing phone, I knew who it was, my brother was in the main house with Amelia and all my relatives were dead... so only one person would be calling.


I walked over to the phone and picked it up, staying silent so it would go straight to the machine. "Hey...Charlotte...I'm me...I need you, I know I fucked up...Just please call me back." The message played twice before I turned off the machine. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I looked at Vee, her eyes were narrowed. "Let's go" I whispered, I wrapped the scarf around my neck and slipped on my gloves.

My grandfather's property was decrepit, my family had tried to sell it but no one would buy it, rumors and legends made it seem like a haunted bastion of nightmares that nobody escaped from. I stepped through the gate and made my way down the path, it was wildly overgrown and roots tripped me up every second. Vee walked beside me, her walk was graceful and she seemed to be familiar with it. Questions filled my mind, where were my memories? Who was Theseus? Why do I miss Akira? The last one was more of a statement than a question. I missed Akira and having my thoughts in the clouds, or rather in the bedroom, made navigating a ruined trail difficult.

"So why are we here," Vee asked, her red eyes were narrowed and she blocked me from going in the door, "My memories...and Akira...mostly my memories," I responded quickly, hoping she would drop the issue, instead she narrowed her eyes further and suspicion filled her face, hidden beneath that was fear. "why are you so scared of this place?" I asked, she averted her gaze.

"You don't know what happened here" Vee's voice seemed small and terrified, her pale skin got even paler. I reached out and hugged her, the big bad vampire was trembling. I pulled away and pulled out the key to the estate, I unlocked the heavy door and it creaked in protest as it opened.

The main room of the building was coated in dust, it floated in the air, and my nose was assaulted by two smells, dust, and blood, lots of blood. I saw a stairway that lead up, the smell of blood was coming from there, my nose was sensitive to the dust and I rubbed it as I climbed up the stairs, the dust shuffling and muffling my footsteps. Vee stayed close behind me, my hearing just barely picking up her near-silent footsteps. It was three flights of uninterrupted climbing, dust started coating our shoes, and I It out a sneeze, breaking the tense silence for a moment before it came back.

The door at the top of the stairs scared me, blood crusted on the bottom of the door and I felt terrified for a moment, the smell of fear spiked my nostrils, it was drenched over everything. I grabbed out the key again and Vee grabbed my arm "Don't" she said quickly, her fear was pungent "Is it worth it, don't you just want to remember your grandfather as a good man?" Vee asked almost silently, the moment of silence was filled with deliberation, did I want to see what's behind this door? is it worth it? I finished unlocking it and sighed.

"Vee, If I stop now, I'll never be able to go back to Akira, I can't remember my childhood, I don't remember how I met her...I want to know the truth." I said solemnly, I opened the door and I immediately regretted it.

Dried blood was caked on a table at the center of the room, two drains were on the floor, a shelf was pushed against the wall, a work desk with a book propped open on top, and blood was caked on everything along with a layer of dust. I ran downstairs and vomited, my insides felt like they were being ripped open, a hand rested on my back "Vee?" I asked, only to see her standing 3 feet away, staring at me. I stood up and found myself face to face with a familiar person.

but familiar how?

"Orpheus, named after the Greek musician and hero." The woman said black robes covered her body and fingerless gloves protected her hands, I moved away from her and she fixed her golden eyes on me. "Your grandfather...was a mage," Orpheus said, lifting her hand, and fire suddenly wrapped around it. The fire was then manipulated into the shape of a raven,

"Magic? You've got to be kidding me...Magic isn't real" I said, averting my eyes from the fire, Orpheus chuckled "You're a werewolf." She responded I felt my face flush "Point taken" I said, Vee seemed to think it was funny but her fear of this place petrified any laughter.

"It's time you understand what you are, what we are...the purpose of this place" Orpheus gestured to the mansion and flung fire everywhere, it landed on the candles and the place brightened up.

5 more faces appeared, and an extra one was perched on a ledge, all of them had piercing golden eyes, Orpheus stood in front of them. "We are your servants and sworn protectors, your mythological heroes, created by your grandfather to keep you safe, Vee is one of us." Orpheus stepped back and Theseus stepped forward.

"Now let's discuss ending this war and getting you back with Akira." Theseus smiled widely and his glowing eyes fixed on me.

Secrets and mystery?

Where does it all end?