Chapter 15

(Charlotte's Section)

My memories are shrouded beneath a veil of childhood hopes and dreams. Broken fragments of a girl I used to know float around my head, I watch as she smiles and wonder where she went. Things that used to be important fade to the background, and my memories crash and burn along with my happiness...Yet some remain. A brown-haired woman waking up with me and handing me a cup of coffee. A game of chess. A field of flowers and a person I love. These memories are etched permanently into my mind. Maybe they're the only thing that keeps me alive.

"Can you help me get my memories back?" I asked, Orpheus grabbed my hand and traced the lines on my palm "We can do more than that" Orpheus said excitedly "We're going to make you a leader!" I felt my heart skip a beat, "Magic will be the tool you use to rise above your brother!" Orpheus' tone seemed encouraging and the others in the room nodded encouragingly.

Vee stayed behind me with her hand rested encouragingly on my shoulder, My mind swirled with possibilities. All those years of being placed second suddenly came to the front of my mind, my brother, simply because of his age, was given everything. Magic? my doubt still kept me from accepting, I was a failure at everything, how was magic going to be any different?

"I can see you doubt us, uncertainty due to your weakness?" Orpheus spoke like she read my mind, it terrified and excited me at the same time, The others in the room kept their golden eyes fixed on me, and even Vee kept her eyes trained on me, all of them waiting for a decision. My hands started shaking, and from nerves or excitement, I couldn't tell.

"I accept," I declared, dredging up the confidence I didn't have, Vee smiled slightly, Orpheus smiled and gestured to the others, they stood behind her, Orpheus bowed in front of me and the others did the same. "Mistress, accept our servitude and aide in matters both dark and light, in death and life, accept our pledge of eternal servitude," Orpheus asked reverently, I turned and saw Vee doing the same, any trace of confidence I had was gone.

A dark feeling crept over me, it wasn't hate or fear... it was satisfaction.

Why was I satisfied that they were deferring to me? I pushed away these thoughts and focused on the task at hand, they were offering their help, offering me power, I'm going to use it for good …right? I looked at them, maybe this is what I was meant for, to rule, I was born to be a leader. But if it was so right, why did it feel so wrong?

"I pledge to lead you in matters dark and light, in life or death, in an eternal bond, I accept your pledge," I responded, it felt like it was someone else talking for me. Orpheus had a wide smile on her face and she got off the ground "Then we welcome you back to your home mistress" Theseus said, his sadistic smile sent shivers down my spine, and Orpheus' Golden magic swept around the place, changing it from old and broken to new and whole. The golden magic swept up and down me as well, replacing my regular outfit with a gold and black dress.

"What is this? What do you mean 'Back'? Have I been here before?" I sprayed out questions quickly while the 'Heroes' set on organizing the place "Shh...all your questions will be answered in due time" Orpheus silenced me quickly "Meet your new servants, you already know Theseus-" Orpheus pointed at Theseus, his bloodstained jacket was familiar. "The rest fall in order of importance, Perseus, Achilles, Odysseus, Atalanta, and above all of them..." Orpheus finished pointing them out then she pulled down her hood "Me, Orpheus, your new Teacher." She finished her statements and I moved my attention to Vee, she was now talking to one of the Heroes, Atalanta, the tall woman had two feet on her but Vee seemed to have her full attention and respect, or was it something else?

I looked at the dress I was now wearing, black pants under a black skirt that opened in the front, gold trim, an open-top that complemented my chest, long sleeves which were tight-fitted except for the ends, all of it was impossibly intricate. My blond hair was still messy and on one shoulder so I took the time to tie it into a high ponytail. Out of the corner of my eye, I could swear I saw Orpheus creepily smiling at me, I turned towards her quickly only to see the placid smile she was wearing earlier.

"You look beautiful," Orpheus said, shivers shot down my spine but I plastered on a fake smile, I caught a glimpse of us two in a mirror and saw that her reflection had remained in its place, it winked at me before returning to normal. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head, it was just my imagination, at least I assumed so.

Vee disappeared along with Atalanta and I shrugged it off, Orpheus was keeping me on my toes, the entire tour was spent with her reflection and shadow doing strange things. Was this a result of magic? Did it change your shadow? My mind kept running through the possibilities as we walked. Suddenly I collided with Orpheus' back as she stopped in a side room "It's time I show you your potential" Orpheus said quietly, she grabbed my hand and I flinched.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, just close your eyes" Orpheus cooed softly, I closed my eyes obediently, the smell of lilacs flooding my nose. "Think of a time you were angry," Orpheus' voice said quietly, my mind immediately went to my brother, his pride, and all the times he belittled me. I breathed deeply and pulled up all my anger, my father's shame towards me, Amelia rejecting me, finally ending with Akira telling me I needed to leave.

"CHARLOTTE!" Orpheus' shouting made me yank open my eyes to the destroyed room, my arms and waist were wrapped in flames, they licked hungrily at my clothes but I didn't feel that heat. "Perfect," Orpheus said quietly, I felt terrified, tears pricked my eyes as I tried to get the flames to stop. "Just think of something that makes you happy" I heard a familiar voice whisper into my ear, I closed my eyes again, thinking of a flower field I recognized.

I opened my eyes only to find myself knee-deep in the flowers, Akira waving at me from the distance. My breathing evened and I felt my anger leave, the heat of anger fading to be replaced by the butterflies Akira made me feel. I closed my eyes again and breathed deeply again.

I opened my eyes to the room again, Orpheus was ecstatic "What made you realize you needed to go to your happy place?" Orpheus asked, I looked at her, it wasn't her who told me? Orpheus ignored my confusion and set to work cleaning up the room.

Something about this newfound power aroused a new feeling in me, a new side, and it served a darker purpose that seemed to be shrouded by all this goodwill and smiles.

It's all going to be used for good...right?


Or maybe I'm being led like a sheep to the slaughter.