Chapter 19

(Charlotte's Section)

Hate, Love, Fear, Trust, Sadness, and Joy, all of these complex emotions come from a small organ in our head. The brain is a wonderful instrument, it's also a weapon, mine is being used against me. My rage and love have been sharpened and now stick in my back. My morals disintegrate in the face of sheer convenience, and the darkness has found a place in me. Orpheus whispers in my ear, telling me what I'm doing is right...If it is then why can't I sleep?

I sat on the old couch and stared at my brother, he'd come to visit, bringing along photos of my nephew. I tuned out his cheerful jabber and focused on the scenery outside the window, Fall had come quicker than I expected and I now stared at a red and gold landscape. The grass had browned and the flowers had died, still, this reminded me of that last day with Akira.

"Charlotte?" Kai's voice lingered behind me but I kept my eyes trained outside, the cold glass mere inches from my face as I simply let myself float. My mind went somewhere else, along the border between fantasy and memory. If I ignore people for long enough, my thoughts were simple...will the pain go away? I love Akira...but loving her hurt like hell.

"Charlotte? are you okay?" I blinked slowly and turned away from the window, his green eyes were filled with worry. I sat back on the couch and stared at him, he was so goddamn happy that it sickened me. "I'm worried about've changed," Kai said this carefully, his eyes trained on the steel claws I was wearing. last night's nightmare had been vivid, but I kept the claws on, determination winning over fear.

I stared at my brother, I almost laughed at his arrogance, Like he would notice a change. His hands were pale like mine but more calloused, his green eyes were brighter than mine and his blond hair was brighter. I kept my eyes trained on his as he sighed and looked pained "'ve changed...Charlotte.." he struggled over the words and suddenly stood up.

I braced for a punch or a lecture, instead, I was pulled into a hug. Kai's arms wrapped around me and he buried his head in my shoulder, I felt tears damp on my shirt as my brother sobbed. "I just want my little sister back.." He said in-between wracking sobs, I wrapped my arms around him slowly. I felt tears prick my tired eyes as I felt the one thing I desperately wanted.

Love. It came off my brother in waves and I was at the mercy of that emotion. Kai held me in a tight hug, his sobs had stopped. "I love you, sis, Amelia loves you too...please come back to us," Kai said, I felt my heart chill, Amelia. I pushed Kai off and handed him his wallet. "Leave," I said in a harsh whisper, Kai looked surprised. "Leave and Don't come back," I said definitively, I watched as he slowly left.

Vee appeared almost instantly, a frown was on her face in response to the pain and coldness on mine. I sat back on the couch and pulled my knees into my chest, the tears poured down my face as Vee rubbed circles on my back, She pulled my chin towards her.

"Vee.." I tried to stop her but I wanted that nothingness, that numbness that came with it. Against my better nature, I let her kiss me, cold lips locking against mine again. Vee's hands started to wander as I kissed her with open eyes and a broken heart. I pushed Vee away quickly and ran to my room, I slammed my door shut and collapsed on my bed.

Orpheus was sitting on the armchair, twirling a knife in her hands as she stared at me. Golden eyes observing me as I wallowed in my misery, I stared at the ceiling and screamed. Pure agony and pain poured out in a single scream, I pulled my hair and hoped the pain would erase the crushing guilt. Orpheus quickly put a hand on my shoulder, I flinched and looked at her with red eyes.

"Hey..." Orpheus said, she sat on the bed and pulled me into a hug, as soon as I touched her the Guilt left, the pain dulled as I laid my head on her lap and she played with my hair. I felt something comforting, it was the same way my mother used to smooth my hair when I cried. Orpheus hummed a little tune as a golden glow seeped from her hands and her eyes grew brighter.

"Orpheus..." I said as Orpheus brushed back my hair with a gentle hand, and a slight smile reached her face. "Yes?" Orpheus whispered, "Why does all of this feel wrong..." I asked, Orpheus smiled "What does?" she asked, I sighed "All of this...the Magic, the dreams...The plan..." I asked, My desperate tone made her raise an eyebrow. Orpheus put on a smile and turned my head towards her, connecting our eyes as she kissed me on the forehead.

"All of it will make sense in a short while...Just trust me" Orpheus said in a comforting tone. I closed my eyes and slipped away, my thoughts and dreams becoming distant. I slipped into a state of bliss, all my negative feelings seeping away until I felt nothing.

"Wake up...Wake up dear" I opened my eyes to a woman in a black funeral gown. Long blond hair was in a tight bun and a black veil covered her face. "Charlotte...Do you know who I am?" She asked, her black dress went to the ground, and a black cane with a silver snake on it kept her steady.

"I am The Dark Mistress they serve..." she said gently, I tried to open my mouth but no sound came out, the place around us was just water, but I didn't feel wet. Her dress wasn't even slightly damp and she seemed to think the water was solid ground. "You are the one I have chosen to inherit my power..." Her voice radiated around me and I simply stared at her, she seemed perfectly harmless but fear shot up and down my spine.

"Bow...and Accept my gift..." The woman said, I stepped back, her darkness was too easy for me to see. Her smell reeked of sadness and anger, so much so that dark pools of it seeped off her. I gathered up my courage and met her eyes through the veil and straightened my back.

"No." I said, Her face didn't change in the slightest, she simply cocked her head to the side and took a step with her cane "Don't you want the pain to leave?" she asked, I tried to step back but I was frozen in place, her pale hands reached out and she held my face.

"Let's talk"