Chapter 21

(Akira's Section)

The Gardens of Death, tended by The Reaper herself. Not just a mere garden, but the true place of rest, souls walk among the trees, wispy and at peace. Silence fills the greenery, inner peace is so easy to achieve here...and yet I am restless. Such is the fate of the wolf, restless and hungry until the very last days of the earth.

Death was seated in a circle of grass filled with white lilies, her black cape billowed behind her. I glanced at Robyn, his green eyes were fixed on the Reaper, who was gently stitching while her scythe lay forgotten beside her on the flowers.

I glanced at the strings on her fingers, they were pure white and seemed to be forming nothing, every stitch simply disappeared after it was made. The heavenly scent of flowers was all around but it didn't mask the stench of decay. I looked at The Reaper, her skin was pale and gaunt, in some areas you could see bone.

A sound was heard of shattering glass, I turned only to see golden eyes and black hair.

"Apollo?" I questioned, he simply smirked grimly before kneeling in front of Death. "Lady Death." he addressed her so politely, like a servant addressing a Queen. "hmm, it seems you have misled the Human and The Wolf, reveal your truest form." The Reaper said, her black eyes were empty of emotion.

Apollo took a deep breath and his younger form peeled away in a brilliant flash of light, I closed my eyes quickly but I still felt the warmth on my skin. I opened my eyes again to see a golden boy of sorts, his long hair was beautifully bright, his skin as well, and his eyes broke the pattern by being clearer and bluer than the sky, horns sat neatly on top of his head like a deer's.

"I am not Apollo...I am The Spirit of life, the deer that protects humanity. " His voice was clear and strangely terrified me, Robyn seemed relaxed and he eased into the warm tone. "The...what?" I questioned, the golden boy tilted his head. "I protected humanity from monsters like you only to be forgotten, thrown away just like The Living Matron!" The Deer said, his blue eyes seemed irritated, he spat the word monster and sent me a glare that chilled my blood.

"Monster?" I and Robyn asked at the same time, The deer tilted his head with a smirk. "Yes, Monster, Akira...don't you feel those urges...hmm? The urge to tear apart Robyn and taste his blood like the nasty creature you are." The Deer kept smiling as he watched the guilt flash onto my face.

"Robyn. I.." I tried to explain but The redhead backed away with a disgusted look. "Oh don't be offended Light one, she's a monster, it's in her blood to hunt and kill. Like an addict who can't stop drinking." The deer put a hand on Robyn as he gave me a look of silent betrayal.

"Why am I here?" I asked, wondering why they would want a monster here. The deer glared at me, he flicked his golden hair back "You are the one thing that started all this." I was taken aback but he managed to freeze me with one look.

"You hold what we need...The original spirit of the Wolf. It's been in your family for years, but now it's yours." The Deer summoned a staff of some kind, its golden gem contrasted with the green branches and vines holding it together. "I just need to remove it. Then the Darkness can't harvest it."

The deer readied his staff only to be stopped by a very angry Death, her willowy hand was placed on the staff as she stood to her full height. "What did I say...about interfering?" She sharply asked the deer, he flinched and lowered his staff.

"In two days you will gather an army and meet at Widow Field, another will appear led by Orpheus and The Forsaken." Death said, a bunch of white strings suddenly wrapped around my arms and legs, Robyn's as well.

"You will need the Light, Destroy Charlotte before she accepts the Darkness or the world will suffer," Death said simply, I struggled against the strings. "Why? WHY? What Will Happen if she accepts the darkness?" I called out, Death stretched out a red string, it wrapped gently around my throat.

"When The Dark Mistress comes back into this world, she will tear away the boundary, using the Original souls of Wolf and Bat, The bat is Already with her, all she needs is you to show a moment of weakness and she can take yours as well." Death said, I felt the Red string wrap itself tighter as a vision of the future clouded my mind.

Me and Charlotte standing across from each other on a bloody field, it showed me about to make the final strike, then hesitating. All of a sudden a red soul was yanked from my body as she wickedly smiled, me falling back as she then stabbed me, a simple sword thrust to the gut.

It showed her tearing down the boundaries as her army of wolves and vampires surged into the human realm, leaving a trail of blood and fire. I heard pained screams as I tried to cover my ears to no avail.

Failure. The Failure of Light was not an option.

I opened my eyes to see Death wrapping red strings around Robyn, his eyes flashing white as he started seizing, I ran to him and cut the strings. The same hot light that made The deer appear started to form, suddenly I was yanked away by cold hands.

"You cannot fight fate my little wolf, try as we might we are all trapped by the ever entangling strings of fate." Death whispered gently, being held in her embrace was an experience I'd rather forget. Numbing cold covered my body as all my pains dulled, the voice in my head getting louder until I was almost deafened by the screeching laughter.

"What you have seen will very likely come to pass...unless Charlotte makes the Right choice." Death whispered again, I was bothered by how I could still hear her over the screeching laughter but I kept my eyes on Robyn, his eyes had become glowing white.

Robyn released himself from the strings and walked over to me, his face had changed from one of fear and pain to nothing. Emotionless features covered the face of my friend. I stepped out of Death's embrace and picked up a knife, hoping the bastard would leave.

He simply chuckled and flicked his wrist, sending the knife sailing away, Suddenly I felt his hand on my cheek, almost apologetically caressing it.

"You will awaken when you are needed...Friend." He said the last part with regret, I felt my consciousness start to slip away as I tried to hit him, trying desperately to get him away.

The darkness swooped in and I was right where I started...

Laying on a bed of flowers, the warm sun on my face as sleep kept me in place. Emotions and scents swirling around like debris in the water, I felt as if I was underwater, only deafening silence filled my ears as my heartbeat even went silent.

The cool darkness of surrender seemed so comforting as long as I forgot who I was.

What I was.

Maybe I'll just stay here for a while.