Chapter 1 : Good Morning Saturnus

It was Monday at 03.00 am Saturnus woke up from his sleep. It's a nightmare. But he couldn't remember clearly what his dream was. He exhaled resignedly, "Luckily it was just a dream, but what was I dreaming about? How come the dream was so weird?" he asked in his monologue.

Saturnus doesn't care and doesn't want to think about his bad dream, yet he doesn't remember what it was. Saturnus adjusted his sleeping position and prepared to close his eyes again. It's only 03.00 am, and it's still very early to get ready for school, so it would be better if he continued sleeping again, so that later at school he wouldn't be sleepy.

Just as Saturnus closed his eyes for a few minutes, his cell phone rang. Saturnus opened his eyes and stared at the phone angrily. Couldn't he be calm in his sleep? He wanted to throw his phone in the trash. But he remembers, he has not been able to find money to buy a new cell phone later.

He stared at the damn cell phone that was on and on and on and on and on. Saturnus relented, he chose to take his cell phone. Really whoever this caller is, he wants to curse right now. Did the caller not know the time that it was still early morning? Is the clock at the caller's house dead to call at this hour? Good grief! He wanted to curse the caller right now.

He frowned at the screen of his cellphone which showed a series of unknown numbers. Who's this? Is the connection wrong? Saturnus silently stared at his cellphone screen without intending to slide the green button or the red button. Until his cellphone screen turns off when the caller stops calling him. He thought it was a miscommunication, but he was wrong. The phone screen turned on again and displayed the same series of numbers as before. "Who is it?" he asked quietly so that only he could hear.

Finally, after struggling with his thoughts, Saturnus decided to pick up the phone. He couldn't understand it, who is it that dares to disturb his calm in the early hours of the morning? He has been swearing ever since. But the caller didn't give up either, still terrorizing him this early. Crazy!

"Hello...?" said Saturnus directly with a lazy tone - lazy. Yeah, you guys just thought, who doesn't get mad on the phone at 03.00 am? At 03.00 am he should still be sleeping soundly and wandering around in his dream world.


Silence. There was no answer from the other side.

"Hello... Who is this?! Just annoy me early in the morning." said Saturnus increasingly annoyed.


Still not answered.

"Well if you don't answer, I'll turn off the phone right now!" threatened Saturnus in an annoyed tone. Good grief! Who's working on it? Very less work!

"Ehhh... Wait! Don't turn off Saturnus, just a minute..." said the caller from the other side.

Female voice? Who? His hunch was starting to feel bad. Where did this woman get her phone number from? Didn't he just a few days ago change his phone number? Good grief! That's how much she stalks people!

"Who the hell is this?!" asked Saturnus in an annoyed tone. He was a little familiar with the voice on the other end.

"Ishh... honey! Can't you recognize the voice of his girlfriend?" asked the woman from the other side.

"Sorry, I don't have a girlfriend. I'll turn it off, bye!" said Saturnus immediately pressing the red button, without giving the other person a chance to say another word.

Hhhhhhh… It's so annoying, who does he think... He thinks it's important... Turns out it's just a waste of time, it's taken his sleeping time again. Arghhhhh! His sleepiness disappeared instantly, replaced by an overwhelming sense of anger. And he couldn't sleep anymore because he was upset, so what should he do now? Why did he have to wait until 05.00 am and do nothing?

Drrttt... drtttt... drtttt... drttttt... drttttt

His cell phone rang again. Saturnus, who was still holding his cell phone, could only sigh in resignation. Okay! It seemed he had to serve her until she was satisfied to disturb his calm this morning. Saturnus immediately slid the green button, and the connection was made.

"Hello Saturnus handsome! Good morning my love!" said the woman very enthusiastically.

"What do you want?" asked Saturnus curtly. He held back his anger desperately. He wanted to say something harsh, but he held it in. He still thinks twice about being rude to women.

"Want to call Saturnus, okay?" asked the woman from the other side innocently.

"Your clock in your house is off?" asked Saturnus in his cold tone.

"Huh? What do you mean?" asked the woman from the other side. It was clear that she was confused now. What does Saturnus mean?

"Do you know what time it is?" asked Saturnus again in the same cold tone.

"I know. It's 03.00 am. Why is that?" asked the woman on the other end innocently, as if it was something she used to do.

"Why don't you just call me at midnight? I'll think you're a ghost!" said Saturnus in an annoyed tone. He snorted a little. Aren't you guys annoyed when you call at 03.00 am for something unimportant?

"Eh? Do you want to call at midnight? Okay, I'll call tomorrow at 12.00, okay?" asked the woman on the other end with great enthusiasm. Great, Saturnus is great.

"No! Don't! Don't worry about calling at that hour okay?! I blocked your number!" said Saturnus angrily. Oh, can't this girl he's talking to be a little serious?

"You said you wanted to, why don't you want now?" asked the woman again from the other side.

"I wouldn't say anything if I wanted to. I'm just annoyed with you. Why are you calling so early? Weren't you sleeping?" asked Saturnus slightly controlling his emotions.

"Ah, you care about your girlfriend." said the woman on the other side with a smile - a smile to herself. Even though Saturnus didn't see him smiling, she was very happy and content. Saturnus is still willing to respond, she is already very happy. It turns out that behind Saturnus's ignorance of her, Saturnus still cares about her.

"I don't have a girlfriend. How many times do I have to tell you?" asked Saturnus coldly. He is annoyed if he is considered to have a girlfriend he does not have a girlfriend. And the crazy thing is, his friends at school think he's dating this girl. Though Saturnus has always kept his distance from this woman.

"Yes yes sorry, yes Saturnus doesn't have a girlfriend." said the woman in a shrunken tone. If Saturnus has been like this, she is always afraid. Afraid that Saturnus would be mad at her. It is very difficult to melt Saturnus's heart.

"Hm... So why are you calling me at this hour?" asked Saturnus again returning to the main topic. Is that how less work his interlocutor does?

"It's okay, I just miss Saturnus. I miss hearing Saturnus getting angry." said the woman on the other side innocently.

"You're weird..." said Saturnus briefly. What did the girl say? Miss him angry? Is there such a magical woman? He is angry, not even shy, this is even a miss? Good grief! Looks like the world will end tomorrow!

"Yeah, I'm weird. It's weird because I've been chasing you like this." said the woman in a low voice. Can Saturnus hear it?

"I didn't ask you to chase me, Lea," said Saturnus feeling a little guilty.

He also did not understand with himself, why he could never open his heart to Lea. Even though Lea sincerely loved and cherished him. It has been almost 1 year since the beginning of the Student Orientation Period until now Lea has never given up on pursuing it. Even though he repeatedly refused. Lea still doesn't give up, and Lea has always been kind to him.

"Yes Saturnus, you didn't ask me to chase you. This was my wish," said Lea in a low voice.

"Why?" asked Saturnus again. He felt guilty, after all, what else did he want to look for? Lea was almost perfect as a woman. Many even chased Lea at school, but Lea only saw her. Lea had never seen so many men like her.

"Why Saturnus?" Lea asked a little confused by Saturnus's question.

"Why don't you give up chasing me?" asked Saturn again with an unexpected feeling. His heart sometimes melted with Lea's attitude, but sometimes he also felt annoyed if Lea chased him every day. Saturnus still doesn't understand his feelings.

"Because I want to," said Lea briefly from the other side.

"It means?" asked Saturnus not understanding the meaning of Lea's words.

"Because I want to chase you. No matter how many times you reject me, I will never give up. I'm sure one day you won't reject me again. Later you will allow me to walk hand in hand beside you while holding your hand, Saturnus." Lea said in a trembling voice. Not! Lea didn't cry. Lea was just sad, sad because her struggle was completely invisible to Saturnus. But Lea will never give up.

Saturnus was silent, he could not say anything. He feels even more guilty now.