Family Dinner

Amanda's POV

You had a big family? A brother? They all knew about me? I say as I look at the locket Maria gave me when I turned 16. How is this my life? I'm going to meet them all tomorrow. It's like when I meet a new foster family and I hope they like me, I hope they keep me, but also I hope they're not abusive. Well they can't hurt me anymore. I'm independent. I just don't know why Maria never told me about them. Why was she hiding this from me? What else was she hiding? Oh Maria. You always keep me on my toes. I miss you so much!

Time flew by at work today. I was so ready to clock out and never come back. There was no one around when I clocked out and it felt great. I picked up my last pay check from up stairs and was on my way to start my new life.

Maria always told me to find my own path. I'm ready to do just that. I get home, and change. Do a load of laundry. Waiting for my clothes to dry I check out the clubs and organizations at my new school. I'm on fincial aid and a scholarship, so I don't think I'll be able to join any that have fees. I would have loved to be in the same sorority as Maria. Well we will see what the future holds for me. I continue putting stuff in my donate pile as the donation truck will be here tomorrow morning. I fit my whole world in two suitcases. I decided to toss out all my old clothes and just buy a few when I get there. Help save the amount of boxes I have to carry on my own. While Maria was around she bought me some nice outfits. I try to keep them nice. I never wore them to school like she wanted me to. I didn't want people to "accidentally" spill something on my lap, or trip me in the halls. I will be wearing them in college. I have pants with holes that are meant to be there. I always laugh at that one. Maria also bought me this beautiful dream catcher. Woven within it has little gems that I love. She had it made just for me. the dryer beeps and brings me back to the present. As I start to unload, I hear a light tap on the door. I run to answer it. I look through the hole and see a man with dark hair and dark eyes. I'm about to ask who is it, when the man says:

Amanda It's me..Uncle Mark. I slowly open the door. I thought you were coming tomorrow? I ask.

"Well, I couldn't wait. Nancy, Cindy, and Tawny will fly in tomorrow morning. Are you Ok? Is there anything you need? Wow, you really have nothing in here. Do you want to go buy a bed or something?" It's like he just drank a Redbull and asked me 20 questions. Was I suppose to answer them all? I figured I'd answer the last one.

"Oh no, I sold it all. I'll be leaving for college in 3 days and so I won't need any of it. Also, I only paid rent till the 1st."

"Oh right, college. Wait, college? How old are you Amanda?"


"When's your birthday?"

October 31st. Why don't you have an accent like Nancy?

"Nancy is from Texas. I'm from Canada."

"Canada? Does that mean Maria was from Canada too?" I ask as Mark starts to make seats out of the donation boxes.

"That she was. What did she tell you about our family?"

"Nothing tbh. I didn't know until I found the photo of Cindy." I walk over to grab the stack and hand it to him. He starts going through the photos and finds that big group one with muscle men. In the picture he points out himself, Cindy, Nancy, and Tawny. He starts to tell me how they had the best summers together. He starts to cry and I have no idea what to do. I reach my hand out to him and he brings me in for a hug. AWKWARD AF. He lets go and apologized. I let him know it's cool.

He tells me he's gotta call Nancy and let her know he made it ok.

Mark: yah babe I'm here. No shes not poor shes moving. To college. I dont know. I didn't ask. Ok Ok I'll ask. Amanda what school are you going to?

University California San Diego.

She said San Diego. Yah I know that's far from us. It's close to Cindy though. No we are not moving. No she is not going to transfer to something closer. Yes, I know shes going to need us. I understand babe. No I havent. Ok I'll ask her.

Amanda do you want to grab some food?

Yah sure.

Ok we'll go eat. Yes, I will talk to her. love you too.

Ok lets head out before she calls back.

Mark laughed

Had me laughing too. We make our way outside and my mouth drops. Are you kidding me right now???

"Is that a lambo?" I ask out loud.

Mark replies: "Yup, fastest car I had at the vegas house. Made 2.5 hours turn into 1.5. hahahahaha But don't tell your aunt Nancy. She'll kill me."

"Are you like rich? Cause I've never seen one of these in person. Can I touch it?"

"Baby girl, you can drive it if you want to."

"Oh My God, Yes! Please."

I'm literally freaking out. This is the nicest car I've ever seen and I get to drive it? I've never even dreamt I could drive a car like this. Damn I wish I picked a place further away. Pizza Port was just a few blocks away.

"Step on it baby girl" Mark said. So I did. A whole 45 mph. I'm lame.

" What a rush!"I exclaimed.

Eating with Mark was nice. He was a good guy and seemed he really cared about me, but I've been fooled before, so I know how this works. I probably won't see him again when I leave for California. So I'm trying not to make a connection, when he puts his pizza down and looks at me crying again.

"I'm sorry, you're just so much like her." Mark says trying to brush off the tears. He was the size of a bear, but when he cried I swear it made me want to cry too. He continued "She was everything to me. Our Princess. She wasnt my blood sister but she was still my sister. I met her around your age actually. A couple weeks before she turned 18. She was completely alone. My family adopted her. She had the biggest heart. She wanted to help other kids like her. She helped so many of them. They all still come around and visit from time to time. Maybe you'll get to meet them sometime."

"I would love that." I said.

"Amanda, listen. I'm going to be straight with you. We're not a typical family. We have many secrets and we don't live an easy life. I'm not saying we don't have money, I'm saying there's always a target on us. Do you understand? "

"ummm yah I guess, like paparazzi? " I replied. I get it now. That's why Maria didn't want me to meet them until later. She didn't want me to be persuaded with money and to make my own path. I get that.

"No, that's not what I mean. Although we do try and stay out of the news. I mean animal attacks are a common way to die for us."

"You lost me. Like nature woodsy people?"

"hahaha yes, but I'm also the ceo of a tech company, but think more of magical. Like we can run faster, see better, smell better and.."

"You're starting to creep me out." I say cutting him off. What is he talking about.

"Oh goodness. Your aunt Nancy can explain it better."

"Are you in a cult? " I ask, ready to run for it if he tries anything funny.

"A cult? hmmm never thought about it that way. No, were not a come to Jesus group or drink the kool-aid people. We're more of a I'll have your back for life and you'll have mine."

"Like a sorority? "

"Yes, exactly. I was in a Fraternity. The Alphas and Maria, Cindy, and Tawny were Deltas. We both went to Bayside University in Washington."

"Bayside Pack Princess" I said outloud as I remembered the pictures.

"That was Maria. She will always be our princess."

As Mark continues to talk about how close Maria and him were, I began to Google and see if he's legit. I type in Mark Hernandez CEO and soo many pages come up. I click on images and I found a photo of Maria next to Mark, another blonde girl and two other guys that look like Mark. I click on it and takes me to a Canadian article about 6 years ago that talks about a billionaire and his family proudly present yellow energy. I search yellow energy and more articles about Mark show up. I click on an article that provides a bio on him. Says he's a family man and a philanthropist. He has two younger brothers and a younger sister. Married to Texas heiress Nancy and have three kids.

"Hey Mark?" I say questioningly.

"That's Uncle Mark, but yah what is it?"

"Do I have... well, cousins?"

"I forgot to show you. Yes, you have many. Here's my little Army. 3 boys and our 6 month old baby girl." Article must of been old I thought. Uncle Mark continued " My three boys are 21, 15, and 12. big gap from their baby sister, but now she'll always have someone protecting her. This is Maurice's twin boys at 7 and Morgan's three girls: 18, 16, 14. Maurice lives at the house with his boys along with Morgan's 18 year old. She decided to go to school near us. But don't worry Morgan is flying in with the other girls from Hawaii tomorrow."

"They're all coming here?" I asked shocked A F. Where are they going to stay? I don't even have a lawn chair.

"They knew I was coming down to meet you and they wanted to meet you too."

"Oh. I'm not sure, they will all fit in my home ." I say looking at the ground.

"Don't worry about that. Nancy took care of it. There's a couple air bnbs she rented out. That's where I'm headed tonight."

"Speaking of, mind if we head back? I'm really tired." I asked as I yawned. Mark agreeded.

I woke up to the smell of bacon. It smelled so good I thought I was still dreaming. I make my way over to the kitchen and see three middle aged women moving quickly but silently around the room.

"Hello?" I question.

Amanda! I hear someone squeal as one of the ladies rush over to hug me tight and then another hug and another hug.

I'm Nancy says the blonde lady and this is Cindy she points to the woman with brown long hair and this is Tawny.

"Hi" I say still a bit sleepy, until I realize that's Tawny Anderson. The mega movie star.

"Are you hungry sugar? breakfast is ready." Nancy says.

"oh sure, where, how did you..." I was cut off before I could ask how did you get in? Nancy goes "We need to know your schedule for today the rest of the family will meet us at the pool. Do you swim?"

"Well, I do, but I don't have a bathing suit."

"Shopping! That's my area." Tawny yelled out.

Perfect Nancy yelled. You girls go shopping in the morning and I gather the group."

"oh I actually have the donation trucks coming for these boxes this morning." I said.

"All of the boxes?" Cindy asked.


"What are you taking to UCSD?" Cindy asked eyeing only two suitcases.

"Just the two" I say pointing to my bags.

Looked like Cindy wanted to cry and said "I'll take care of the dorm when we get there."

We? I questioned. "Are all of you coming with me?"

"Oh no honey. I'm sorry sweetie. I won't be able to. Not with the baby, but I promise to visit when I can." Nancy said.

"Just me and Cindy until you settle in." Tawny said.

oh great just the most prettiest movie star ever and her gorgeous friend. Why did Maria have super hot friends?

"I live in San Diego just an hour and a half away from your school. " Cindy said.

That made me smile to the moon, and I remembered the picture.

"Cindy, what does ybs mean? I saw it on that pix over there. " I asked.

They all replied, "Your Big Sister".

"I was Maria's big sis. We were all Deltas." Cindy said.

Cindy stayed home waiting for the donation truck as Tawny and I went shopping. We came home with more bags than needed and a brand new make-up kit. I insisted on buying these on my own but Tawny wasnt having it. We stayed local so not too many people with cameras as we shopped. A few stopped us and asked for a photo and Tawny said only if you take one for me too. She took so many photos with me. I don't even have that many on my social media, but I loved her energy and how happy she was to spend time with me. It melted my heart.

End of Amanda's POV