Ch. 4 Finding His Mate (part 1)

The Chavau's two young ladies squealed in delight once they heard a rustling in their front door. Without waiting for their parents, Tracy and Krista Chavau quickly dashed and opened the door in hopes of seeing the face of the most handsome young man in the world.

They did see a man of large stature and good looks that were hard to describe, but this was not the man they expected. If this man had white hair and weren't embracing a thin violin-like figure possessively, they would now wrap their hands on the man's both arms and try to entice him.

Luckily, this man's hair was black, indicating this man was the previous white Alpha.

"Good afternoon, Alpha, Luna." greeted both girls in their best manners.

"Good day, girls. How are you?"

"We're doing great, Luna. Please, do come." invited Tracy politely.

"When will we meet the Alpha?" asked Krista impatiently, earning a warning glare from her sister.


"What? Aren't they here for that?"

Almost all influential people in the mortal realm knew the purpose of the Alpha and Luna of the White Bridge Pack coming to visit the human realm.

They wanted to find the new Alpha King's mate and be brought back to their realm to be their Luna.

No human doesn't like being Luna, nor is they afraid of the furious, feral side of the wolf shifter. Not a few humans have become several noble wolf mates and live in the werewolf realm.

Humans have coexisted with elves because the war between the five realms has destroyed the elves' realm. Only humans are considered weak and have no strength among these five different beings.

By happy chance, the werewolf offered their protection because the human form of the pack was not much different from humans. And even though the vampire's building was no different from the human structure, they feed on human blood. Thus, vampires were an eternal enemy of humans.

It was no longer a secret that many werewolves went to the mortal realm to go to school and hang out with human kids.

Only when they reached eighteen would they return to their realm to be warriors and be prepared to face the rogue werewolves and some degraded vampires.

The Chavau family was one of the prestigious families in the mortal realm. They couldn't hide their excitement when they heard that Alpha and Luna had chosen their residence!

Granted, they were neither the first nor the last choice, but it was still an honor to have the opportunity to meet the Alpha.

No one knows what the face of the Alpha or the next Alpha will look like. Neither would they get to know the young white Alpha when the young man attends the mortal academy.

The candidates for Alpha of the wolf packs would keep their identity a secret for the Alpha's safety and gain insight outside the realm. Nonetheless, the elves instantly recognized which one was an Alpha and not.

Sometimes, the elves would leak their mouths to expose Alpha's true identity. However, no elf could identify the true Alpha king of the White Bridge Pack.

There was only one Alpha King, and it was the white fur wolf from the White Bridge Pack. Other Alpha had either black or dark brown fur and could only lead their pack. On the contrary, the white Alpha could order and control all the wolves in the werewolf realm. His authority is even higher than the black Alphas, and it is said that the white Alpha was the most gigantic and most powerful wolf; even the vampire king would find it troublesome to defeat him.

The white Alpha has a unique legacy. When the white Alpha was marked and mated with his Luna, his white hair would gradually turn into the black one at a slow rate. His first offspring would inherit his power with black hair at the beginning.

When the newborn baby reached the age of eighteen, his black hair would rapidly turn white.

Lyod had lived in the mortal realm to learn human knowledge and other kingdoms and attended the same academy as the Chavau family. When he was about to celebrate his eighteenth birthday, Lyod and several other wolves returned to the werewolf realm to avoid the suspicions of seeking the forthcoming Alpha King's identity.

Therefore, Tracy and Krista would never have thought that Lyodreck, their once devilish handsome senior at school, was the famous legendary white Alpha.

"Yes, darling. We are here for that." the Luna chuckled heartfully without demeaning the Chavau girls. "Alas, he is still in near the gate. How about you go pick him up and bring him here?" offered the Luna.

"With pleasure, Luna." the girls exited the house without saying goodbye to their parents.

On the other hand, the Alpha King glanced at his wife in confusion, asking, 'What are you doing?'

The Luna smirked at her husband, and she answered his hidden inquiry through her eyes. 'It's the only way to make Lyod meet with the girls.'

Luna understood her son's character very well, and she knew her journey to the mortal realm would not be as easy as she thought if her son refused to come with her.

They came to the mortal realm to look for her son's mate, but this trip would be vain if Lyod didn't go with them. How could she find her son's mate when the person in question doesn't want to cooperate? It's not like she or her husband could smell Lyodreck's mate's scent.

Not to mention, the ceremonial appointment of the new king would officially be held in a few days on Lyod's twenty-first birthday.

The Alpha has to strengthen his pack warrior while Luna protects the pack's territory from inside. If Luna's position is still vacant until then, they are worried that their pack's defense wall will be shaken once the other pack heard this news.

Whatever happens, her son must find his mate before the official crowning ceremony. The current Luna's resolution was unbreakable.