Ch. 20 The Mate's Pull

"Are you crazy?" those were the first words that came out of Aria's mouth as soon as she regained her sanity. "Married only after meeting three months? That's too rushed!"

Quinn gave Aria a sad smile making the shocked girl's heart fill with guilt. She remembered that most of the humans in this mortal realm would look down on someone who had a fae spouse.

Humans were envious creatures of the godlike beauty of the elves and fae races. Moreover, these two races have magic and could hypnotize and control a human mind and soul.

Even though several elves lived in the mortal realm, humans didn't really like their existence.

The human lord was willing to give a particular area a residence for elves who didn't fancy living in the fairy kingdom.

Living in a fairy kingdom does seem more merriment and can live full of wonders that have never been found in the human world. However, the dark fae who constantly wants to seize the territory of the light fae and become the absolute ruler of the fairy kingdom makes the lives of elves never peaceful.

And to make it worse, the human would never find it good news if someone from a fairy kingdom claimed their family member as the fae's mates. The human would scorn the mate's family, and this family would be exiled.

Like Aria, who doesn't like werewolves, humans never like the elves or the faes. Nevertheless, they would never offend those races as they knew they would only dig their own grave by doing so.

Thus, no one would ever dare to touch even the hair of Quinn even though she was the half-breed. Nevertheless, the human would scorn the Harrowcrofts once they learned that Quinn was a fae's mate.

Judging by Quinn's hesitation before she revealed the unexpected reality and how relieved she was once her confession came out brought Aria to her senses.

"Quinn… does your uncle know?" Aria asked carefully.

Quinn shook her head and bit her lip doubtfully. "You're the first to know."

Aria had a dumbfounded expression on her face. It turned out to be exactly what she thought… Quinn hadn't told anyone about a fae who wanted to marry her.

"What about your father? Your mother?"

"Of course, they know. My mother was delighted to hear that and was looking forward to the wedding, but… my father…."

"He isn't happy." guessed Aria in a low voice because she didn't want to worsen her best friend's mood.

"He said he wanted me to think it over carefully. Marrying a fae means I have to live in the fairy kingdom and follow all the rules set by the royalty. My life will never be mine again."

"Precisely. Your father is a wise man."

"But… this is my choice, Aria. I love him, and I know he loves me too. I know my decision is too hasty, but… I can't avoid it. You know, there's something strange that pulls me over and makes me want to be his arm. I heard all human mates would feel it when they meet the one."

"I don't understand." Aria felt that she didn't like where her friend's conversation was going.

"You will if some werewolf or handsome fae found you as his mate."

"N-uh. I don't want to be one's mate. I will choose my own partner. What's more, I'm still seventeen and can't wait to get out of the Chavau house when I turn eighteen."

Aria tried to change the topic of their conversation and distract Quinn so that the girl would no longer dwell on the situation.

"If you're so desperate to get out of them, why don't you ask the Lord for help?"

"Why should I? Why have you always advised me to run to the lord for help?"

"I heard from my uncle that you have special privilege from the lord."

"I did? How come I've never heard of this before?"

"I'm confused as well. I guess your evil mistress didn't tell you on purpose."

"…" yeah, sure she did. Aria wasn't even surprised to hear that Mrs. Chavau didn't tell her about her special privilege. "At least she never hurt me. Yeah, she did piss me off sometimes and punished me by locking me in my room. And she let me starving for hours, but she never hurt me."

"Are you sure? She never hurt you even once? But what about your mind?"

Aria smirked as she answered, "Her treatment of me only made my mind hard as steel. Don't worry."

"Why don't you want to try fighting her?"

Aria gave her a sad smile upon hearing her best friend's question. She once wanted to fight, but… she didn't want to risk losing what she thought was important.

That ugly witch woman always took things from her with an excuse to punish her. She will punish the people she loves when she fights.

Aria couldn't help but remember yesterday's incident where the Chavau hit the poor cook.

Long before yesterday's incident, Aria had received a similar punishment from the evil mistress.

Aria remembered that she once helped a stray kitten and nursed it secretly in her room. But just because she woke up late to take care of the cat, the evil mistress raided her room and found the poor kitten.

Even though Aria had screamed for mercy, that heartless evil lady beat the kitten to death.

Aria had indeed asked for help and reported the situation to the human lord. But… she didn't have any evidence that could corner the evil mistress. On the other hand, the nasty mistress was kind and seemed to treasure her in front of the lord.

Her attitude was so hypocritical that Aria wanted to throw up at that moment. But she played along with her because she knew if she caused trouble in front of the lord, everyone would view her as an ungrateful child.

Everyone knew that the Chavau family was her benefactor and treated her very well, like they loved their two daughters.

Plus, the Chavau sent her to the same school as their daughters, proving they don't favor their own daughters only.

Aria was very young at the time and had no one to trust. Hence, she could only count on herself.

Since then, Aria had decided not to bring animals into the Chavau house. It's better for her to live alone, but no one can hurt what she loves.

Who would have thought that Rousell's presence ten years ago to work as a cook at this house would be her weakness?

She didn't understand why Rousell was so kind to her and always gave her things to make her heart happy. The man was even willing to bear her punishment and protect her while the evil mistress scolded her for hours.

Whatever the reason, Aria felt sure that Rousell was a good person and considered him a genuine family member.

She once told Rousell to resign from his job, but the man admitted that only the Chavau family was willing to hire him.

Since then, Aria decided not to cause the trouble that made the evil mistress angry and behaved like a good maid. At least, after she left the Chavau, she would take Rousell out and live with her as her father.

"What's the point of fighting her? Just a few more months, I'll be out of that prison-like house." and she couldn't wait the day to come.