Ch. 24 Off To The Party

The fae race's clothing was so impressive that Aria couldn't find the right words to describe it.

The various colors seemed to sparkle and shone in her eyes.

Aria walked over to one of the baby blue dresses. It has a flower ribbon on the waist part and some lace on the hem of the skirt. She touched it with her finger and felt how delicate the dress's fabric was.

She was sure that the quality of this gown was far superior to silk!

Aria followed the row of dresses that Quinn had prepared for her. She headed to the following clothing, a purple gown, and she could see glass-like beads adorning the ornaments of the dress.

After seeing nearly ten dresses neatly arranged on Quinn's queen-size bed, Aria turned to her best friend.

"Quinn… it's… They are beautiful. I don't even know which one suits me. I've never worn clothes this pretty before."

"Oh, please. My choice of clothes will suit you. They are all yours."

"All of this?" Her chocolate-like brown eyes widened at that. She thought Quinn only gave her one dress, but apparently… these ten dresses were for her!

Tracy and Krista would unquestionably feel envious of her.

"No, I can't accept this. These are too precious."

"I know. That's why you deserve it."

"But it's too much, and in case you forget, I have two evil step-siblings from that witch mistress. They will fight each other for what I have."

"That makes sense. Then you can leave it here for a while. When you decide to move out, you can bring them."

"Quinn… what did I do to deserve you as my friend?"

"Aw… Come here," Quinn opened her arms towards Aria, making the girl laugh aloud.

Aria walked over to her and went straight into Quinn's arms. "You have the right to be my friend. You are a good girl, Aria, but people were too blind to see it. I can't understand why they think an abandoned child is bad. It's not your fault that your parents left you, but your parents. They should be blaming your parents and not you."

Aria smiled happily, hearing that. "Only you are good to me. If I were a man, I would positively fall in love with you."

"Well, if you were a man, I wouldn't reward you with the ten most beautiful dresses in the four realms." they both burst out laughing as they let go of their embrace. "Is anything catch your eye for tonight?"

Aria shook her head once. These ten dresses were all superb and suited to her taste. Not too flashy, but not too pale either.

Her best friend's fashion sense is unmatched.

"I don't know which one to choose. Each of these dresses is equally very impressive. How about you choose it for me?"

"Okay. How about this? It matched with your hair."

Quinn picked up a knee-length handkerchief dress with a light red flowery pattern on the chest area. Its domain color was pastel and had a halter top showing her shoulders and smooth back.

"Okay." Aria agreed with Quinn's choice, and both of them were dressed up and dolled each other up while giggling.

After finishing dressing up, which took almost an hour and a half, the two girls were finally ready. Quinn used a natural silver waist dress with a long neckline that showed her cleavage line.

Her dark brown hair was pulled into a messy bun with a few locks left to frame her face. Quinn looks wonderful as a fairy, and that's not surprising considering her mother was indeed an elf in the fairy kingdom.

On the other hand, Aria let her wavy hair loose and took a few locks from both sides to braid them into one in the center of the back of her head.

It was then that Aria noticed the tips of her ears seemed normal like any other human. It seemed like... her inner human genes were much more substantial than her fae genes, so her entire appearance wasn't different from other human girls.

She is a human, after all.

Knock! Knock!

Someone knocked on the door twice, and soon a voice was heard.

"Have you girls done? We'll be leaving soon."

Quinn giggled slightly as she opened her bedroom door, and Aria could see Olivia, the second daughter of Mr. Harrowcroft, smiling at her kindly.

"Wow. You look so breath-taking. I'm sure you two will be the center of attention on tonight's show."

"Quinn might be, but I don't think I will."

"You are too humble, Aria. Now I wonder why everyone ostracized you."

"I know, right. She's a good girl. I've told you thousand times, but you never believe me."

"I believed you, but I'm more afraid of Tracy's threats."

"You still scared of her?"

"Not anymore. If you are willing to forgive me, will you be friends with me?" Olivia's offer makes Aria's face glow.

"Yes, I'd love to."

"Great! Let's go. Dad is waiting for us downstairs. He will take us to the ball. Oh, I almost forgot." Olivia opened the basket box she had brought along and showed her cousin and her new friend. "We have a lot of kinds of the mask here. It won't be a masquerade ball if there is no mask. Choose which one you like."

"I'll take this." Quinn chose a silver mask that covered her eyes and quickly put it on by tying a string to the back of her head. "How do I look?"

"You look mysterious." teased Olivia, inviting a slight pinch on her waist. "Ouch! I'm kidding! How about you, Aria?"

"Hm…" Aria looked at the pile of masks and finally made her choice. "I'll choose this then."

She chose a plain mask in a combination of rose gold and pastel colors. There were soft feathers on both ends, giving the impression that the mask had a pair of wings.

"You look perfect," Quinn commented sincerely, to which her cousin nodded approvingly.

"Now I understand why the Chavau girls are jealous of you. Enjoy this night, girl. I promise you will have the best night tonight."

Aria only gave a small smile in response to Olivia's remarks. She doubted she would enjoy the evening when the ballroom was filled with werewolf kids. But she couldn't wait to meet and befriend the human girls from the all-girls academy.

She hoped she could survive tonight.

>>>>> From author

Hello, with the author here. So, I've been thinking to give you a mass release for next Monday, 23th if the conditions are met.

Reach 100-299 votes/ 300 coll +1 chapter on Monday

Reach 300-499 votes/ 500 coll + 3 chapters

Reach > 500 votes/ 1000 coll + 5 chapters

Otherwise, I will only up 1 chapter as usual :<

So, give me your love by showering Aria and Lyod with votes, review and spread their story among your friends

Happy reading!