Ch. 27 The White Wolf

It's… It's a wolf!! And not an ordinary wolf, but a white wolf!!

What is the white Alpha doing here?

Ah no. This is perhaps just an ordinary white wolf? It's not like a white wolf is common in the werewolf realm, let alone here!

So... is this the legendary Alpha king?

Is it possible… the white Alpha noticed something was missing in his room and hunted her down?

Oh no. What should she do?

Aria wanted to scream and run away but was worried that the wolf would attack her and take her head off her body instead if she turned her back on it.

Her whole body shook with fear until she broke out in cold sweat. Aria was about to step backward slowly, but her feet wouldn't obey her brain's commands!

She didn't know why her legs wouldn't budge at all, as if the earth's gravity was pulling them to the ground.

Aria's hand rested on a tree as if her life depended on it. If there weren't a tree nearby, her knee would give away, and she would fall to the ground.

The white wolf tilted his head in confusion as if he wondered why Aria was afraid of him.

Ordinary people could even see that the white wolf had no intention of harming Aria, but Aria could not see it.

To Aria, the white wolf tilted its head to think about how to kill her on the spot. Aria trembled even more in fear as the white wolf slowly walked toward her.

The closer the distance between them, the more monstrous the white creature was.

Aria closed her eyes and felt like crying. Why does this wolf have to be so huge? Aria wouldn't be this frightened if the wolf were as big as an ordinary dog.

On the other hand, Lyod kept walking, approaching his mate in his feral form. He didn't understand why his mate was so scared to see him that he could smell her fear.

At least the girl didn't run away, and he didn't have to chase her like a beast chasing its prey. Otherwise, Aria would not want to meet his wolf for a second time.

The delicious aroma and so tantalizing made him tempted, and without realizing it, his snout sniffed the top of his mate's head. He could feel Aria's body stiffen as she felt something heavy on her head, but he didn't care.

Lyod even lowered his head and wiped his fur to wipe away Aria's tears.

'Don't cry. I don't want to make you cry.' he said in his mind. He knew Aria wouldn't be able to hear his voice because the girl was just a human. But he hoped that the girl would understand his intention.

Aria didn't know what the Alpha wanted and thought she would die right then and there when she felt something tap her head. She thought the Alpha King would knock her unconscious or cut off her head, but… why did she feel like this wolf was actually sniffing her??

Moreover, she felt something like a gentle caress on her cheek. It was as if this white creature wanted to wipe away the traces of her tears.

How strange.

Aria ventured to open her eyes, and it was then that she was greeted by the most beautiful pair of golden eyes she had ever met.

As if it was not strange enough. Aria felt her body no longer tremble as soon as her two eyes crossed with those golden eyes. The panic, anxiety, and fear that she had previously felt had also disappeared.

Suddenly the white wolf nudged his head again, and this time his head hit Aria's stomach, astonishing the girl.

Why did she feel this white wolf liked her? Why did she think this wolf wanted her to stroke his head??

Aria had never met a wolf before, and she had also never seen a werewolf boy transform into his feral form. On average, werewolf kids would not be able to change shape before reaching adulthood. In addition, the werewolf was forbidden to shift in the mortal realm unless the urgency needed them to.

Then why… the Alpha King shift in this place? If he wanted to catch her, he didn't need to shapeshift.

Or did the Alpha King deliberately shift to his feral form to scare her?

Well, it worked! She was scared to death that she felt her soul had left her.

The white wolf felt abandoned and once again nudged his head towards Aria.

"What do you want?"

The white wolf raised its head and sat straight like a guard dog.

Aria gulped nervously because of how towering this wolf was. Even in a sitting position, her head did not reach the wolf's thick neck.

"Is… is that you, Alpha King?" asked Aria in a whisper-like voice. Nevertheless, Lyod could still hear her voice thanks to his sharp hearing. "I know why you came here."

Lyod tilted his head again, wondering when Aria knew that she was his mate?

Did Iona tell her? Impossible. Iona said she didn't tell Quinn Harrowcroft, which meant Aria didn't know either.

Aria quickly took her pouch and reached into something like a small platinum-colored container. Surprisingly, Lyod felt familiar with the container.

"Here. I will return it to you."

"???" Lyod didn't understand Aria's words even more. For the first time in his life, he felt his IQ went low against his mate.

"Forgive me. I didn't mean to steal it, but I had to do it to save my family. I will receive the punishment, but… don't kill me."

Lyod glanced at the silver container above Aria's hand, and then he remembered the ointment the healer had given him from his pack.

So… this girl sneaked into his room to steal the ointment in his wardrobe?

Well… if that girl didn't do it, he would never know he had a mate as beautiful as this girl.

Lyod could have forgiven her for infiltrating his territory without permission since Aria was his mate. But that didn't mean he would pass up this opportunity to be with the girl.

Lyod rose to his feet, making Aria alert again, and a gleam of fear danced over her beautiful brown eyes.

Aria stepped back, but she lost her balance from the fear that she fell backward.

That's when…