Ch. 38 The Broken Seal

Aria felt herself floating above the soft clouds when the strong yet gentle breeze embraced her petite figure. She had never felt such pleasure in her entire life.

The night air was cold but pleasantly touched her face every time the white wolf bounced and dashed toward the destination.

And the captivating full moon shone beautifully as if it was guiding them in this darkness.

Aria realized that even though the wolf was running fast, she could feel the caution in his jumps. She could sense the Alpha King was so careful not to let her fall. She felt mysteriously safe and protected.

Isn't it strange? Why did she even feel protected when this was their second meeting?

She remembered that she did have an unusual attraction to this giant white creature at their first encounter, but she managed to resist and distance herself. But now that she was face to face with the Alpha king in his human form, Aria couldn't resist his charm as if he was the magnet that pulled her closer.