Ch. 55 Is Aria A Spell Caster?

Aria felt the same nausea as before, and her head began to feel dizzy. Oh, she hoped she wouldn't throw up in front of Khan. Is there no way to get rid of this unpleasant odor?

Aria glanced in all directions to find out the source of this unpleasant smell making Khan confused to see her.

Miraculously, she no longer felt nauseous even though the unpleasant smell still vigorously assaulted her poor nostrils.

"Miss Aria, what are you looking for?"

"You didn't smell it?"

Khan shook his head, but his eyes glanced outwards as he sensed someone's presence. The intruder seemed to notice Khan was on Aria's side, so the person walked away.

"Phua!" Aria inhaled as much oxygen as possible and sat back down with relief. "Finally, the stench has gone. Otherwise, I will probably puke on you."

"…" Khan glanced at Aria in disbelief and looked at Aria from head to toe with an investigative look.