Ch. 58 The Third Magic Type

The heart showed Aria's past more than it should have, and it hurt Khan's head from too much information. Nevertheless, his desire to serve and protect Aria grew stronger.

Now he understood why the heart chose that girl. That girl… Aria… she would become a bridge between realms if she managed to defeat the dark side within her.

The girl was the only one who could create another realm and rebuilds the Elf land.

Otherwise, that girl would destroy all four realms with her power and make all the lords her enemy.

Khan never thought he would meet a hybrid like Aria, and he knew a hybrid possessed limitless power and was most wary of by the lords.

If the lords noticed a hybrid in their midst, they would hunt that hybrid to absorb its power and kill it. Is that why Aria's father hid the girl's whereabouts? Is that why her parent's sealed her power when she was young?