Ch. 60 You Had My Heart

Why? Why does it have to be her? Aria wanted to ask, but her mouth was tightly shut, and no sound came out.

Why did Lyod choose her to be his mate among so many girls out there? Aria was sure many women more attractive than her were willing to be the Alpha's mate.

One of them was that woman—the warrior-like lady who tricked her into entering the Enchanted Forest.

Aria didn't know why the lady wanted to get rid of her, but now she knew. The lady liked this handsome Alpha.

"I've heard from Khan. You have magic power, and we have the same type of magic."


"To tell you the truth, I only recently discovered that I have magic. I don't know if I can teach you well or not, but I'm willing to teach you."

"You are?"

"Of course."

"Aren't you afraid I will become more proficient in using my magic and run away from you?"

Lyod smiled lopsidedly at the question that sounded challenging to him. "Is that a challenge for me?"