Ch. 66 Checking On Her Every Twelve Hours

Aria was living her daily life as usual, and Quinn had returned to the Fairy Kingdom after saying goodbye to the Harrowcrofts and Aria.

Aria attended school as usual and faced scornful stares from her 'evil stepsisters' and her classmates, who felt reluctant to associate with her.

But thanks to her new friendship with Iona and several human mates from the werewolf boys, Aria makes new friends.

One of them was Gwendolyn, a cute girl wearing glasses and having red flecks on her cheeks.

Gwen was Alpha Kirnon's mate of the Goldcrown Pack.

Aria heard that the Goldcrown Pack region has the largest gold mine in the world, so it's no wonder the pack was the most well-off clan in the werewolf realm.

The White Bridge Pack clan did not want to be hostile to the Goldcrown Pack, and although the Goldcrown Pack had the facility to rule over entire clans in the werewolf realm, they did not dare offend the Wildridge family.