Ch. 100 Aria Is Queen Michaela?

For a moment, no one moved. Even Lyod himself did not dare to act rashly.

If Aria hadn't been here or hadn't fallen unconscious, Lyod could have struck first to take an early advantage.

But now, not only did Aria fall unconscious, Lyod alone had to survive while protecting Aria.

Ever since his magic power awakened for the first time, Lyod had explored and found out what he could do and what he couldn't.

Although he has not fully mastered it, his experience and knowledge of his strength are more than enough.

Lyod collected his strength on his palm and released a golden yellow ball of light towards the sky.

Boom! Lyod had signaled Khan, and he only needed to hold on for a few minutes before Khan would come to his aid.

Unfortunately, unbeknownst to him, now Khan's hands were tied.

Several elves confronted Khan, and one of them was none other than Meryl.