Ch. 105 Emperor And Goddess

Aria felt like she was dreaming… no, she knew she was dreaming. But why is the dream so strange?

She looked at the two giant globes as if they were two moons seen up close. One was black, as if no living creature lived there. In contrast, the latter had various colors, like a living planet.

Not long after, Aria saw a fine black thread coming out of this black moon and infiltrating the other. The same thread sprang up in the next second and followed suit the first one.

Shouts and screams of fear and pain rang out from all over the living moon, causing Aria to frown in confusion.

What happened, and where is she now? Curious about what was going on, Aria tried to walk toward the living moon only to realize that she was floating!

She felt like she was swimming in the pool, but there was no water around her. Aria made a swimming movement towards the scream's source.