Ch. 108 Lyod's Seduction

No one could measure Aria's heartbeat speed at this time, and no one could rate how much pleasure she was currently experiencing.

Aria had never felt an indescribable feeling that was hard to put into words like this. She never even touched herself as Lyod did to her.

She even felt ashamed for producing an erotic moaning voice she had never heard before.

Lyod raised her dress to admire her body's curves that he couldn't see until now. His finger moved to give a small massage, and gentle friction slid down and slipped inside her, causing Aria's body to twitch in surprise.

Aria's head lifted to look at what had entered her feminine canal and noticed her gown had been raised to reveal almost her entire body.

"S… Stop…" she wanted to stop Lyod's actions against her, for this was her first time. She was excited yet scared, and not to mention, they still had something important to discuss.